creation of resources
supports learning activities
Collective goal
Collective goal
supports learning activities
Interest driven

ACHPER: Australian Council for Health and Physical Education and Recreation
A Connected Learning Environment

The Learning Spheres

Peer Supported

Who? HPE teachers, HPE academics, sport bodies, researchers, health advocates, students
Mentors and learners

Members bring connections beyond the group



Sporting clubs

Sporting bodies

Cross-generational and cross-cultural

Expert vs Novice

Experienced practitioners to graduates and students

Members from differing backgrounds, geographical locations, professional domains

Interest Powered

Why? professional support and development for HPE teachers, promotion of active/healthy lifestyles within the community through education, collaboration opportunities for those interested in health and physical education

Focus Health and Physical Education, sport and recreation

Who brings individuals together who share an interest in health, physical education and recreation

Ability for members to focus on interest areas within HPE i.e inclusion, TGfU, curriculum development, female sport/PA participation




Academically oriented

professional development key component of ACHPER

opportunities for future success

opportunity to personalise learning

Design Principles

Open Participation

Membership open to all


State branches (QLD, VIC, WA, NT, NSW, Tas, SA)

Links to international organisations (i.e. ICHPER)

Opportunities for participation from non-members

social media

conference/workshop attendance

Learning by doing

workshops/webinars provide practical opportunities to consolidate learning

Relevance of topics to work in the HPE field

Constant challenge

collective focus on broader picture of community health and well-being


How Strong presence within social media platforms


Facebook live videos



Blog posts


How Face-to-face meet ups

zoom meetings/catch ups



How Platforms for members to share work/samples, receive feedback

Google Docs

'HPE Staffroom forum'

Social media platforms

Core Properties

Production Centred

What? online forums for collating and creating content i.e. Google docs

Focus on innovation within the field

What? Creation of digital content i.e. blogs, vlogs, video content

Monthly newsletter and 'Tip of the Day'

Shared Purpose

Collaboration on nation/state wide projects and campaigns
i.e. 'This girl can - Vic Health' and HPE Day

Clear purpose statement: 'enhance health and well-being of every Asutralian...'

Openly Networked

Numerous resources, free and accessible for members

Cross-institutional: links to universities, sporting bodies ect., contributors to events