Early Addition Progression
(as laid out by the ASD-E Numeracy Team)

Working with 5

Partners to 5
(4+1, 3+2, 2+3, 1+4)

Counting on from 5
(5+1, 5+2, 5+3, 5+4, 5+5)

Working with 10

Partners to 10
(1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5, and reversals)

Counting on from 10
(10+1, 10+2, 10+3, etc.)

Partners to 20

Ex: 17+3, 18+2

Basic facts with sums less than 10

Ex: 3+5, 4+3

Basic facts with sums less than 20

Ex: 7+8, 6+6

Counting on from multiples of 10

Ex: 20+6, 4+30, 20+__=24

Followed By:
Sums of Numbers Less
Than 100

Adding 10 to any two digit number
(multiples of 10)

Ex: 40+10, 30+10, 50+__=60.

Adding 10 to any two digit number

Ex: 43+10, 10+57, 34+__=44

Adding multiples of 10 with sums less than

Ex: 50+30, 20+40

Adding a multiple of 10 to a two digit
number with a sum less than 100

Ex: 53+30, 24+70, 40+39

Partners to 100

Multiples of 10
(10+90, 70+30, etc)

2-digit numbers
(11+89, 65+35, etc)

Adding two digit numbers with sums below 100(not crossing over into the next decade)

Ex: 34+12, 48+11, 56+13

Adding a two digit and a one digit number

Ex: 74+9, 73+8, 54+7

Adding a teen number with any other
two digit number

Ex: 36+15, 49+14

Adding any two digit number with any other
two digit number with sums less than 100.

Ex: 34+58, 67+ 25