Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany 1935

leadership abilities

Charisma and oratorical skills

Excellent speaker and communicator with strong
belief in himself

gifted for public speaking and could talk for hours,
entralling his audience

promised to bring back order to Germany and
made it great again

Knew the concerns of people and addressed their

Nazi ideology

Hitler became the leader of a small political party, German Workers’ Party, in 1920

Hitler became popular because of the promises and ideology he presented to the people

NSDAP became seen as the only right wing party that could compete with the left-wing parties like the Communist Party

It was renamed as the “National Socialist Workers Party” (NSDAP)

leadership abilities

Reorganisation of Nazi Party

Increased part menbership by establishing local Nazi parties

Establishing of Stormtroopers (SA) and Defence Corps (SS

Usage of Propaganda which portrayed Nazis as strong part united

leadership abilities

Exploitation of the fears of communism

Many people afraid of communist taking over the country

Hitler gave vague promises of help to farmers and businessmen

This gave him access to financial backing which Hitler build up his own private arm, S.A (Sturmabteilung)

With the SA, Hitler could compete with the Communists for Germans votes in the coming election.

Economic uncertainty and fight broke out between police and communist

Hitler used his own army agasinst communist

Many soon felt that Nazis could restore order in Germany

Skillfulness at making deals with politicians

In 1930 elections, Nazis get 18 percent of votes
In 1932 elections, Nazix get 37.3 percent of votes

Hitler was a good political strategist who took the right chance to seize power slowly