How does a consumers awareness
of sustainability and environmental well being show when it comes to fast fashion?
Terenteva, D., Rodionov, D., Konnikova, O., & Konnikov, E. (2023). Measuring the Level of Responsible Consumption Influenced By the Digital Environment: A Case Study of University of Barcelona and Bielefeld University Students. Information, 14(2), 73.
This article is about consumerism and how we need to shift into being a more sustainable world. People who do not feel the impact of sustainability typically won’t do anything to make a difference. Consumerism can be linked to the environment and how it is declining. With an evaluation system, they developed a way to figure out a level of responsible consumption.
“The consumer is driven by personal gain, which theoretically contrasts with the citizen, for whom the common good is more important than their own.” pg. 5.
“Consumption is consequently a process which has become part and parcel of the culture of capitalism, and of the concept of sustainable development which is being embedded in it”. Pg. 6.
“In other words, people do not feel an impact in their lives with more sustainable patterns of behavior, which make them less likely to be implemented”. Pg 8.
This article will be beneficial when I am writing about how consumerism is affecting our environment, and could potentially affect the future of earth.
Sierra, B. (2024, April 9). The psychology of Fast Fashion: Exploring the Complex Emotions That Fast Fashion Evokes in Consumers. The Sustainable Fashion Forum.
This site will be beneficial when discussing social media and fast fashions relationship
Overconsumption in the Fashion Industry. Overconsumption in the fashion industry : Fashion Revolution. (2022).
This source will be helpful when I am talking about the enviornment and how the clothes are made
Horton , K. ., Street , P. ., & O’Brien , E. . (2022). When Women Owe Women: Framing Consumer Responsibility in the Context of Fast Fashion. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 11(2), 116-128.
This paper discusses how gender roles play into fashion consumerism. How responsibility is important in the fashion activist movement. They discuss how there were different social media movements that shed light on the fast fashion industry. They also discuss how fashion is a predominantly female based but how anyone can have a passion for fashion.
“Seen to exploit some women while benefiting others, the fashion system can be conceptualized as a commercial, cultural, and industrial complex… ” pg 2
“ fashion is primarily understood as a distinct market segment that caters to the whims of fashion-conscious young women” pg 5
“Digital activism aimed at transforming the fashion industry is legitimate, accessible and free way for young women to engage in global politics” pg 9
This article will be beneficial in showing how consumers are responsible for overconsumption. Responsibility is a critical topic when talking about fashion consumerism.
Garcia-Ortega, B., Galan-Cubillo, J., Llorens-Montes, F. J., & de-Miguel-Molina, B. (2023). Sufficient Consumption As a Missing Link Toward Sustainability: The Case of Fast Fashion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 399, 136678.
This source is about consumption within the fast fashion spectrum. It mainly directs its focus towards sustainability within this area and how fast fashion companies are implementing sustainability. In the study, they discuss plans for companies to implement their sustainability goals, and then see the differences from 2013/2014 to 2020/2021.
“...this transformation requires overcoming a range of extremely challenging economic, institutional, cultural, social, and practical barriers” pg 3
“The positive impact of sustainability strategies depends largely on companies’ ambition and success in conception and implementation, as well as on existing infrastructure and consumer awareness of and engagement in more sustainable practices” pg 3
“Not adopting most of the identified strategies—or, worse, continuing in the opposite direction—reduces the effectiveness and credibility of companies’ actions to achieve sufficient consumption” pg 7
This article fits with my research because it is on the topic of sustainability and what fast fashion companies are doing about it.
Herold, P. I., & Prokop, D. (2023). Is Fast Fashion Finally Out of Season? Rental Clothing Schemes As a Sustainable and Affordable Alternative to Fast Fashion. Geoforum, 146
This article discusses how the clothing industry is one of the largest contributors to pollution. It proposes a new way into the industry: rentable clothing. Diving into how different generations see this new way of sustainability, this article talks about the good and the bad views of renting clothes.
“Zara, Gap and H&M have been known to dispose of ‘deadstock’ by burning it to prevent others from reselling their products” pg 2
“Despite this, some members of Gen Z showed intention to reduce their consumption, suggesting an awareness for the negative impacts of the industry in the younger generation” pg 6
“Contrastingly, it is found that adoption of fashion rental enables a greater exploration of styles, equally important to both generations. This is especially related to the ability to experiment and obtain variety in what one wears.” pg 9
This article will be beneficial when I am writing about sustainability within the clothing industry.
Shoellis. (2024, April 30). Rethinking Clothing Consumption: Understanding the Human Cost of Fast Fashion. Ethics and Policy.
This source will be helpful when I am talking about the ethicalness of fast fashion and how social media plays into it.
Maiti, R. (2024, May 30). Fast fashion: Its Detrimental Effect on the Environment. Earth.Org.
This site will be beneficial when I am writing how the environment is affected by fast fashion
Bläse, R., Filser, M., Kraus, S., Puumalainen, K., & Moog, P. (2024). Non‐Sustainable Buying Behavior: How the Fear of Missing Out Drives Purchase Intentions in the Fast Fashion Industry. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(2), 626-641.
The focus of this paper is to get readers to think about the clothing they are purchasing. Focusing on FOMO, this paper discusses how social media is one of the major representations of consumers buying fast fashion. They want to be part of the latest trend as quick as they can be.
“Daily purchases take place more often online compared to prepandemic times, confirming a new potential for fashion sellers” pg 3
“Sustainable consumption refers to the use of goods and services to improve the quality of life and minimize negative implications in terms of environmental resource use and waste generation during the life cycle of a product” pg 3
“In fashion industry, a brand's credibility depends largely on its marketing platform because consumers have only limited insight into the production and origin of the clothing.” pg 4
This paper will be beneficial when I am writing about consumers and their ideas of supporting sustainability.
Potempa, H. (2022, April 27). The Dangers of Fast Fashion, Consumer Culture and Microtrends. The Arbiter.
This site will be helpful when I am focusing on sustainability