Kingdom > Phylum > Subphylum > ClassClass Aves = BirdsBirds have spinal cords and true backbone. However it is the features that distinguishes them from all other animals.Class > Order > Family > Genus > SpeciesSpecies are grouped together for easier identification, based on structural similaritiesThe first level classification describes various groups of species
Woods and Garden loving

Stout dagger shapped beaksClimb treees vertically with two-forward, two-back toes, Plumage is sticking black, white and red. Sometimes green and yellow
Tits ( order Passeriformes,
families Timaliidae, Aegithalidae,
Paridae )
Stubby, sharply pointed beaksTree dwellersWeak flights with burst of fluttering wingbeatsSmall acrobatic birds

Blue Tit
Coal Tit
Long Tailed Tit
Great Tit
Spotted on 2 Jun 2023, 10:30 @ Hjerting strandvej 128 gardenDanish: musvit
Crows #black


Finches are plainer, less patterned; sparrows have more varied and intricate patternsThere are also big differences in flight behavior. Finches are comfortable in the open sky, often flying long distances over treetops, while sparrows usually fly lower and disappear into dense cover. Finches tend to perch higher, in the tops of weeds, shrubs, or trees; sparrows tend to be on the ground or in low weeds or shrubs.
Chaffinch (male and female)

Euresian Bullfinch

Robust wedge shaped beaks for seed eating.Most have a drab plumage ( i.e. lacking brightness, dull) and undulating flight

Entirely blackGood soundFemale has a brown plummage.Danish: solsort

Only one speciesWith a tiny cocked tailchestnut colorsThe song is powerful and melodious
Doves and Pigeons

Water loving

Streamlined bodiesLong necksDagger shaped beaks#tags

Smaller diving birds with shorter dagger-like beaks.Stumpy fluffy tails

Gannet and Cormorants
Enormus waterbird with huge feet.They pluge dive into the sea from great heights.Also spotted in Buenos Aires, Jardin Japon, Dec 2024
Wading birds with long legs, slender toes and long necks found along marshes and coasts. They stab at prey with their dagger beaks. The wings are broad and heavily fingered.
Waterfowls= swans, geese and ducks
Webbed feet and three forward pointing toesSwans are the largest, with recongisable long necksadult with white plummage.Ducks and Geese are smaller, generally fly in V formation, honking sound.Ducks differ from other waterfowl in a way that male and female have different plummages.

Greylag goose
The most widespread goose species'lighter belly and dark wings, the feet are pink, the beak is orange-red. It is 80 cm long and has a wingspan of 147-180 cm. Greylag geese breed in lakes, bogs and larger parks near meadows or lawns that can be used for foraging. Along the Wadden Sea coast, the greylag goose is a migratory bird and the greylag goose has also begun to winter in Denmark, where it feeds on fields with winter crops.It feeds on grasses and herbs, and in autumn it eats wasted corn on the stubbled fields. It is widespread in Europe and Siberia. These Danish breeding birds winter in Holland or southern Spain.

Barnacle goose
The relatively small goose that is easily recognised by its black neck and white head. It breeds in the arctic areas in Greenland on Svalbard and on islands in the White Sea.The barnacle goose appears in huge flocks in the Wadden Sea, which is a leading migratory and wintering area for the species.It has a black neck, white face, grey back and a light belly. It feeds on grass, herbs and grains and in the winter season, it will often find its food on fields with winter crops. It breeds in the arctic areas in Greenland, on Svalbard and on islands in the White Sea, the Baltic Sea and the North Sea area. It migrates in the autumn to places including Scotland, Denmark and south along the European west coast.
Pekin duck

Diving duck
Rosy Billed Pochard
Waders, shorebirds
Long legs and horizontally held bodies.Need to pay attention to rump and tail patterns and feeding techniques to identify them.

Northern lapwing


Webbed feetComparatively long bodiesUsually white bodied with grey to black wings
Black headed gull
Wattled Jacana
The wattled jacana (Jacana jacana) is a wader in the family Jacanidae found throughout much of South America east of the Andes, as well as western Panama and Trinidad.[2] It is the only species in the Jacanidae family with such a large distribution.[3] Wattled jacanas have long toes and claws which help them walk through aquatic vegetation. Like the majority of species of jacanas,spotted in Bueos Aires, Dec 2024
Smaller than gulls, shorter necks, slimmer wings and shorter legsKnown as sea swallows for their graceful flight, they often hover above the water before diving to plunge just beneath the surface for prey.