Chapter 8 Elementary Mathematics
Real Numbers
Natural Number Song, Click on the Link

Use a foldable as a study guide or references for students to use as a resource when learning about natural, whole, integers, rational, and irrational numbers.
Students will be able to understand and explain:
• Variables to translate word phrases into algebraic expressions
• Solving equations and word problems
• The formula for the nth term of arithmetic and geometric sequences
(Pearson, Chp. 8 PowePoint Slides)
ex.) 2 more than a number = 2 + n
Click on the Link to Watch a Video
that describes what a variable is
(first begging to learn what a
variable is)

This would be a great activity to use as a review
game in your classroom. The students have to
solve the problems and place the popsicles in
the correct order!
Main topic

These would both be great tools/resources
to give to your students to help them
remember the steps to solving multi-step

Listen to this "Function Rap" to
learn what a function is!
ex.) Function Tables

Have students fill these out as their notes so they
can look back at them for help.

I would make this a classroom
poster to hang on the wall during
the functions unit for students to use
as a resource.
Equations in a Cartesian Coordinate System
One of my past teachers would have us stand up and point with our fingers the direction of the quadrants to remember what quadrant was which. We would point and yell 1,2,3,4, as we quickly point to each in the air. It was a fun an interactive way to remember the quadrants.
Here is a song to teach students
about the coordinate plane!

You could give students the coordinates
to make this minion, and then have
them color it when they are done!

This would be a great handout to give to students to have them take notes on.

A foldable to teach the quadrants.