Code of ethics of the
Universidad de Guayaquil

Chapter 1
General disposition

Article 1

Strengthen the application of the principles that guide and identify the University of Guayaquil

Article 2

It consecrates the rules and ethical principles that are part of the constitutional culture

Article 3
Ambit of ​​application

It governs all members of the UG who are authorities, academic personnel, students, administrative and service personnel.

Chapter 2
Of ethical values principle

Article 4
values ​​and principles

a) Respect

1. The ideological pluralism is respected

2. All types of discrimination are prohibited

b) Search for the truth

The guide to the search for the truth

c) Honesty and
service vocation

1. The behavior and behavior on the part of the members of the UG

2. Institutional resources must be taken care of

d) Responsibility

Commitment to the objectives and institutional purposes

e) Academic honesty

Act and express oneself with coherence and sensitivity

f) Fairness, justice
and solidarity

Recognition of the merits of each of the members of the UG

g) Search for excellence

The UG is characterized by a solid and innovative teaching

h) Quality in the service

All academic members are required to act with education and respect

i) Ecological awareness

The environment is respected and taken care of

j) Freedom and tolerance

The opinions, beliefs and ideas of others will be respected in an orderly manner

k) Commitment to the
development of the country

Promote policies aimed at solving the national problem

l) Render accounts

The UG will communicate its management and achievements

Article 5
Compliance with institutional
ethical values

Article 6
Any prejudice to the principles and
values ​​will be sanctioned

Derogatory disposition

To cancel all the internal provisions that are opposed to the provisions of this Regulation

End disposition

It will become effective as of its approval