My Personal and Proffessional life
Search of the truth
Are processes that we must follow and put into practice certain criteria in front of problem we want to solve

1.Equity, 2.Justice and 3.Solidarity
1.Make decisions impartially and objectively
2.Respect the rights of the people and give each one what corresponds to him
3. help other people without getting something in return
Always do and give the best

Search of the excellence
Use strategies for the sucess of their own personal and social goals

show respect towards others people
Don´t judge people for thier ethnic

Sure of myself and my actions
Understand the truth and act with sincerity

1.Freedom and 2.Tolerance
1.I have the rigths to give my opinion both in a workplace or student group
2. Respect the opinion, ideas or attitudes of other people even if they don´t coincide with their own.
Quality in the service
Provide the necessary service or service or satisfy the client´s needs