Combining Investment Term

Warren Buffet, NASDAQ, Growth and value

I wish that me and Warren Buffet, an American
business magnate, had more invested in NASDAQ,
because we would have so much growth and value

Market Cap, Dow Jones, SPYDER

According to Dow Jones, the market cap for spyder is off the roof

Bond, P/E Ratio, NASDAQ 100

For a bond, the price earning ratio is very good compared to NASDAQ 100

Stock, NYSE, Brokerage

I wanted to to buy a stock at the NYSE, so I went
my local brokerage to make the transaction.

Bull/Bear Market, Blue Chip, s&P 500

While the bull bear market contradict each other, blue chips are the type of giant companies that are major in stocks, also S&P 500 are the top 500 largest companies, a larger version

ETF, Mutual Fund, Divendend/Yield

While ETFs are group of stocks that are being traded, Mutual Fund is professionally managed, and that dividend/yield, is the payment to people who invest in these things