Dear Mom
Topic principal

I feel incredibly grateful to have you as my Mom.
Thank you for numerous reaffirming conversations that eased my worried mind and brought me peace in the moment
Thank you for attending every dance recital, school play, game, and graduation.
it was the greatest feeling knowing you were there to see and support all my endeavours
You supported me on all of my adventures
Thank you for showing me what love, commitment and family.
You taught me to give my very best at everything I do.
you taught me how to think for myself.
you taught me how to be strong and independent.
You taught me how to dream
When I think of you so many different memories come to mind memories that will live in my head and heart for a lifetime.
The things I remember most about you you were are always there for me no matter what the circumstances, no matter how foul my mood, no matter what time of day or night.
As a girl, I remember snuggling up to you and how much I loved to be cuddled by you
I remember a sentence that you would say me over and over and over again in my childhood and into my adulthood… “anything is possible if you set your mind to it”