Differentiating Content

Differentiating Content for Student Need

Readiness differentiation


Match the material students are asked to learn to a student's capacity to read and understand it.

Interest differentiation


Material is based on student interest.

Learning profile differentiaton


Should have an understanding of learning styles of students. This will lead to different types of presentations.

Strategies for Differentiating Content

Curriculum Compacting

Stage 1


Identify students and assess students knowledge of the subject.

Stage 2


Create a plan to help student reach mastery

Stage 3


Teacher and student design an investigation or study to help augment learning. Parameters are set.

Using Varied Text and Resource Material

Learning Contracts

Mini - Lessons

Varied Support Systems

Audio/Video Recorder

Note-Taking Organizers

Highlighed Print

Digests of key ideas

Peer and Adult Mentors

Adapt "what" we teach

Adapt "how" we teach