GlassWall Syndicate Educational Pillar

Term Sheet Basics

Overview of Term Sheets

"Comprehensive Overview of Term Sheets"


This video from Wharton School of Business gives an excellent overview of term sheets. It is fairly long and detailed, so learners who are completely new to term sheets may find some elements challenging to follow. However, no matter your level of familiarity with term sheets, this video is certainly worth a watch. 

Term Sheet Takeaway

Web Resources

Term Sheets: The Definitive Guide for Entrepreneurs


This is a fantastic resource for understanding the basics of term sheets - very accessible, concise, and well-written. 


Basic Term Sheet Mechanics


Instead of walking through what the components of term sheets mean, this article looks at term sheets from a bird's eye view, i.e. what functions term sheets play and how they are written. It is a useful resource if you find yourself getting lost in the weeds of term sheet explanations. 

Term Sheet Basics


This website links out to explanations of various parts of term sheets. The links provide helpful examples that may help you understand components of term sheets more in-depth without becoming too inaccessible. 


Sample Term Sheets

Plain-English Term Sheet


This article goes through each aspect of a term sheet and words it as if it were written in plain English. A good way to wrap your head around complex-seeming term sheet topics. 

Sample Term Sheet


This website links to a blank term sheet template, which may be useful to look at as you read about the various components of term sheets. 

Valuation and % Ownership

Valuation & % Ownership Takeaway

Pre-Money & Post-Money Valuation walk-through


This video presents a walk-through of the definitions of pre-money and post-money as well as a couple of examples of company valuation and resulting ownership levels.

Basic Valuation and Percent Ownership Explanation


See section on valuation and percent ownership for an easy-to-follow explanation. 


Option Pools


Option Pools Explanatory Video

Options Pool Pre-Money & Post-Money Example

How Option Pools Work

Option Pool Takeaway

Board of Directors

Board of Directors Takeaway

B of D General Information

Liquidation Preferences

Liquidation Preferences Takeaway

Web Resources

Term Sheet: Liquidation Preference


A Guide to Liquidation Preferences

What You Need to Know About Liquidation Preferences

Liquidation Preference Multiples

Liquidation Preference Basics



Vegan Clause

Convertible Notes and SAFE

Cap Tables

Educational Pillar Comments and Reflection


Do you have comments or recommendations about the mind map? What specifically would improve your learning experience? What would you like to see changed or added? Please leave your thoughts as comments on this topic!

Venture Investing Basics

Introductory Videos


These videos give a broad overview of the venture investing process and timeline from start to finish. They are a great resource for those new to venture investing and looking for a big-picture explanation of how venture investing works.

"Startup Funding Explained: Everything You Need to Know"


Though a bit fast-paced and casual, this video provides a good overview of the full venture investing process without going too far into the weeds with confusing details.

"If You Know Nothing About Venture Capital, Watch This First"


This video is much shorter and provides a very high-level idea of what venture investing looks like.

Khan Academy Life of a Business Videos


This series of videos from Khan academy walks through an in-depth example of the life of a business, from birth and initial financing of the business to exit by IPO. Use this to supplement your understanding of the investment process, especially if you learn well by walking through examples.

1. "Raising Money for a Startup"

2. "Getting a Seed Round From a VC"

3. "Going Back to the Till: Series B"

4. "An IPO"

5. "More on IPOs"

Venture Investment Basics

Investment Process Takeaway

Investment Process Graphic

GlassWall Investment Basics

GWS Investment Process Flowchart

GWS Selection Criteria

GWS Due Diligence Items

Mind Map Key: Videos - web resources - graphics - text takeaways