English grammer
Simple present
Regular actions or events
Future facts usually found in a time table
Thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking
Present continuouse
Action is taking place at the time of speaking
Action is true at the present time. but we don't think it will be true in the future
The action is at a definete point in the future and is already arranged
Present perfect
To look back at the recent past from present
We use just, already or yet to talk about recent past
Look back at more distant past
We use ever (for questions) and never when se talk about distant past
Present perfect continuouse
An action which has already finished. but we still can see evidence
An action that has not finished
Can refer to series of actions
Usually used with since, for, for days, all week etc.
Past simple
Actions and states completed in the past
period of time
Past continuouse
Emphasize the continuing process of activity or period of that activity
Describe background actions when something else happened
Past perfect
To talk about things happened befor a particular point in past
To report what people had said
Past perfect continuouse
Look back at a situation in progress
To say what had been happening befor something else happened
When reporting things said in the past
Going to
Plan for the future
for predictions based on the evidence we see now
Future events which we believe are certain
We add may be probably etc to make the belief less certain
We use with I think I hope
At the moment we make a new decision or plan
What to use when
Present simple or present continuouse
Past simple or continuouse
Present perfect simple or continuouse
present perfect or past simple
Going to
To talk about future
Events happening at the present
requests, orders, invitations and offers.
make promises or threats.
for deduction.