Evolution in Texas Textbook Adoption
Goals and Impacts
Unintened consequnces
Impact national education
Texas large market for books sets the tone for other manufactures
Other states will use Texas' Textbooks in their class rooms
International perception of USA
United States is falling in ranking of math and science scores on an international scale

Unfair persecution of anti-darwin ideas. Leaves no room for error or questioning of current theories.
Provide a solid educational foundation for children
A well rounded and knowledgeable student will produce a well rounded and knowledgeable adult.
Prepare our children for the real world with multiple ideas and approaches to
Present all potential theories
Evolution is a theory, must present possible alternatives
Creationism/Intelegent design provide possible alternatives to the origin of life that evolution can not answer.
Legal Foundations
Texas Constitution: Article 1 Section 6 All men can worship as they see fit. No man or authority can force such views on another. It is the duty of Legislature to protect this equality.
Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987) : Federl supreme court ruleing on a law requiring that creation science be taught in public schools, along with evolution, was unconstitutional because the law was specifically intended to advance a particular religion.
SB 197- required changes to curriculum available to public 3 days prior to consideration of SBOE. Also require 24 hours before it is finalised. Failed
SB 1406 - would give the State Board of Education oversight over the state’s regional education service centers, including curriculum materials developed by the centers. Passed
SB - 77 would place the SBOE under periodic review by the Sunset Advisory Commission. Failed
Interest Groups
Creation Science Hall of Fame
Daniel Romo
Raymond Bohlin
Young Earth Creationist
Don McLeroy
Rick Perry
Gail Lowe
Ide Trotter
Citizen Groups
Texans for Better Science Education
Ide Trotter
Unbiased groups
Texas Association of School Boards
Texas Freedom Network
Texas Freedom Network
Kathy Miiller
Texas Education Agency
Center For Educational Freedom
Neal Mccluskey
Nation Center for Science Education
Josh Rosenau
Citizen Groups
Texas Citizens for Science
Ron Wetherington
Casey Luskin
Biology Review Team
Ron Wetherington,
Stephen Meyer
Ide Trotter
Richard White
David Zeiger
Walter Bradley
Daniel Romo
Raymond Bohlin
No scientific bases for intelegent design/creationism
Age of the Earth
Age of earth is at least 4 billion years old
Natural Selection and Darwinism
While there are some flaws/missing data in fossil record, Darwin did not base his theory on the fossil record alone.
There is ample evidence for both tempos of evolutionary changeoccurring. The fossil record bears no such evidence that one predominates over the other.Where the fossil record is sufficiently sensitive to give a chronological approximation of changes, gradual change still appears to be typical.
Peppered moth and finch beaks are still good examples of envriomental based evolutionary factors
“Some mutations may lower fitness by decreasingan individual’s ability to survive and reproduce. Other mutationsmay be lethal. Still other mutations mayimprove an individual’s ability to survive and reproduce.” Text in book is corrrect
Teach all side of origins of life
Evolution is a theory
Life/The cell is too complex to be random
Haeckels Embryo
Strength and Weaknesses
Can not provide origin of life
Gradualism and sudden appearance of like during Cambrian explosion does not match up with the ideals of the fossil record. Gradualism and Cambrian explosion are contradictory
Radioactive dating is inaccurate
Outdated refences/support of enviromental drives for evolution. i.e Peppered moth, and finch beaks
Change wording from "Some mutations may lower fitnes" to Mostmutations led to defective offspring while some may only lower fitness
Age of the Earth
Young Earth Creationists say it's 10,000 year old
Other creationists will agree that it is roughly 4 billion years old
Genesis in the bible is the literal beggining of the world