Factors that affect the learning process

Attitudes and behaviors accepted by society as an appropriate way to be a woman or a man.
Gender equality
Both sexes must enjoy the same rights
Gender Equity
Men and women should be treated according to their gender needs.
Problems in education
Patriarchal society favors boys more than girls.
In several countries they believe that women are not worthy of education
Unfair treatment of girls and denial of opportunity.
Biological development
Includes stages that begin when the baby is still in the womb.

Prenatal development
The brain develops during the prenatal period, but will continue to undergo more changes.
Germinal Stage
Embryonic period
Fetal period.

Brain development before birthc
Takes place in the third week of gestation and extends to the end of adolescence.
The molecular events (gene expression)
The impact of the environment
Growth stages
Babies and children
First stage of development, from prenatal care to the year of age.
Child development
The sequence of physical, language, thought and emotional changes, from childhood to adulthood
Social interaction and emotional regulation
Speech and Language
Physical skills
Sensory awareness
How it affects a person's school performance?
Having poor biological development affects health, and if it is not well it impairs learning.
Not sleeping well
Don't exercise
Not eating well