PART 1 multiple choice cloze
it contains eight gaps with four option multiple items for each gap
vocabulary,idioms, collocations, fixed phases,complementation, phrases verbs,semantic precision.
PART 2 open cloze
it focus on awareness and control of grammar with some focus on vocabulary
number of questions 8
it focus on vocabulary, in particular the use of affixation,internal changes and compounding in word formation
it has 8 questions
Part 4 key word transformation
grammar, vocabulary,collocation
has a lead sentence and a second sentence in gapped to be completed in two to five words
number of questions 6
Part 5 multiple choice
detail, opinion,attitud,tone, purpose, main idea,gist,etc.
it has a text with six 4-option multiple-choice
PART 6 gapped text
cohesion, coherence,text structure
it has sentences that have been removed
and placed in jumbled order, together with an additional
number of question 6
PART 7 multiple matching
detail, opinion, specific information, implication
it has several short texts, preceded by multiple matching
there are 10 questions
PART ONE compulsory question
stundents are given input in the form of
an essay title to respond to, along with
accompanying notes to guide their writing
PART TWO choosing one task from a choice of three questions
Students write non-specialised text types such as an
article, an informal letter or email, a review
or a report
PART 1 interview
it is a conversation between the interlocutor and each candidate
focus is on general interaction and social language
information about themselves
work,leisure,time, and future plans
a time of 2 minutes
PART 2 long turn
comparing,describing and expressing opinions
an individual long turn for each candidate with a response fron second candidate
they are given photograpies to talk about
They should not speak during their partner’s long turn.
the total time is four minutes
PART 3 collaborative task
a two way conversation between candidates
candidates sustaining an interaction
exchange eas,expressing and justying opinions,agreeing and disagreeing etc.
the total time is 4 minutes
PART 4 discussion
they show the ability to engage in a discussion based on the topic of the collaboartive task in part 3
expressing and justifying opinions, agreeingd disagreeing and speculating
they should discussing issues in more depth
timing 4 minutes
PART 1 multiple choice
identifying speakers feeling,attitude,topic,opinion, purpose, agreement between speakers, gist and detail
consist in short extracts of aproxinately 30 sconds
there is one multiple choice questions per text,each with three options
number the question 8
PART 2 sentence completion
it is on detail, identifying specific information and state opinion
A monologue with a sentence-completion task
number of questions 10
PART 3 multile matching
there are short, related monologues, with multiplematching
there are three distractors
it has 5 questions
PART 4 multiple choice
focus on identifying opinion,attitude,detail, gist, main idea and specific information.
consists in an interview or an exchange between two speakers that lasting 3-4minutes
there are 7 questions 3-option multiple-choice questions