Intro to Geometric Figures
Figures in the Plane
Line Segments and Distance Between Points
Video Lesson: Intro to Lines, Line Segments, & Rays
Distance Between Two Points: Resource with Visuals & Formulas
Rays, Angles, and Angle Measure
Rays, Angles, Angle Measure Lesson, Worksheet, & Rubric
Measure & Classify an Angle Lesson with Video
Pairs of Angles and the Corresponding Angles Theorem
Corresponding Angles: Definition, Theorem, & Visuals
The Measure of Angles in Triangles
Lesson Resource: Angles of a Triangle, Equilateral, Ratio of Angles
Directed Angles
Article "How to Use Directed Angles"
Points and Lines
Video Lesson: Line Segments, Lines & Rays
Points & Lines Intro & Definitions
Curves and Polygons in the Plane
Curves and Regions
Visual Lesson: Regions Between Curves
Convex Curves and Figures
Concave and Convex Curve Images
Video: Shaun White Skateboard
Polygonal Curves and Polygons
Lesson Plan: Identifying & Describing Polygons
Lesson Plan: Quadrilateral
Quadrilaterals: Visuals, Definitions, & Interactive
Regular Polygons
Video of kid teaching regular vs irregular polygons

Art using polygons
This is a video with a simple rap song about triangles

An art piece made out of only triangles
Triangle Worksheets
Geometry by Grade Level
Introducing Young Children to Geometry
Printable Geometry Worksheets by Grade Level
Geometry in Art
Figures in Space
Planes and Lines in Space
Definitions, Equations, & Examples
Curves, Surfaces, and Solids
Video Lessons: Curves, Tangents, & Theorems

Polyhedra Images
Polyhedra Art Link
Interactive Polyhedra Website
Regular Polyhedra
Definition and Images of Regular Polyhedra

Euler's Formula for Polyhedra
Cones and Cylinders
Video Lesson: Comparing the Volume of Cylinders vs Cones