Goal/Solution: Develop District Wide PLC's for CCISD



2. PLC

Enter information on the Cohort notebook.

Access PLC protocol suggested procedures

Get access to the Coaching guide as a tool to provide appropriate learning goals.

3. Training

List of teachers that have attended trainings

The Bennifits of "Doing The MAth"

"Doing The Math" dates and links to sign up for training

4. Good Things in Action

Videos and pictures of teachers implementing the new process and results found in the classroom.


Get teachers to PLC

build teacher capacity througout the district

Have teachers learn, reflect and grow with coaching sessions.


Teachers will need to make their contact slind

Teachers will click on approperiate buttons

User Interface

Home page has GIF buttons to take teachers to the approperiate selection

There are buttons under the doccuments to either open in a new tab or get a forced copy of a doccument

There are embeded links to click on to register for training


PLC doccument that can be turned into principals

Build professional friendships

Build lesson plans during Doing the Math

Gain reflection and feedback from coaching sessions

Teachers will be featured on good things wall as doing best practices

Tools Platform

Prototype is housed on google site

Must be embeded into Canvas for teachers to access

Teachers must use slides for interactive addressbook

Teachers must also use the training links to log into Omni track to register for training.