Harriet Tubman's Life
Harriet Tubman life as a Kid
Harriet Tubman was born March 1822 in Dochester county Maryland. Harriet Tubman real name is Araminta Ross.Harriet was one fifth of the nine children.Even as a child she had many owners who would treat her badley by whiping her with whips as a punshment .When Harriet went on an errand to the neighbourhood store. There she saw a fugitive enslaved person who ran out of the store and the oversee(Owner of the store) threw a two pound rock but it missed and hit Harriet. Her injury caused her sleeping spells which she had for the rest of her life. Harriet’s owner tried to sell her but no one wanted a slave with sleeping spells. Sleeping spells which are spells that would make her sleep when she was tried.
Instead, she was out to work with her father and her father taught her lumber which increased her physical strength.
Harriet Tubman Life has Adult /Fugative
Harriet Tubman met a man named John Tubman who was a free black man she married on 1844. After her marriage she renamed her self Harriet after her mother and Tubman after her husband.Harrite Tubman's owner died on 1849. When she heard that she was being selled and that she would have to live far away from everyone she loved. So she heard for an undeground rail round. So she decide to bring her brother Ben an Harry and esacpe but they thought the were lost so she decide to go back. On 1849 she decide to go by her self by follwing the North star. Then she decide to go back south to free her family and other's 13 times. Later She had a bounty for $40,000 and was called Black Mosse

Harriet Tubman life during civil war
During the Civil war Harrite was a Union army nurse
,scout and a spy for the civil war. In 1863 she was the first Women in United states to plan a military raid liberting nearly 700 slaves in South Carolina.

Harriet Tubman Life after the civil war
After the civil wart the 13th adment to the US constituion got rid of slavery Pernmently. And then gave voting rights to black men. She did a fundrasier for enslaved person which she helped build school, and hosptials. On 1888 Harriet Tubman became more active for the fight for women's right. On 1886 she appread on the Natniol assoction for colured women. Then she said her spech in New york. She said she was a conductor during the underground railroad in New York in 1896. She said “I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger". On 1899 her face appered on the 20 dollar bill. Then on 2016 she was on the new 20 dollar bill.
Harriet Tubman's death

Harriet Tubaman died on on March 10 1913 by Natural casues. Her final words where "I go away to make a place for you
Extra Information
Harriet Tubman settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she got a job and she saved her money she got from her job. Harriet stayed in Philadelphia for 2 years then she went to maryland to free her family and other black people. How Harriet tubman used her opprtuintes is she got a job working for Society for the Abolition of Slavery as a janitor and clerk. She saved all her money wisley for her new life in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was a free state which was safe for black people to have new life's . Black people were treated well but not alot of people helped Harriet and other black people esacpe. We do not know alot about black people living in Philadelphia Pennsylvania during the underground railroad becaue they were hidden other peoples houses in houses who helped them.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Flag