Harry Potter @theonewholived

The Sorting Hat wants me to be in Slytherin. I can't be teams with Malfoy. My friends are in Gryffindor. #sortinghatceremony #ihateslytherin #iwantgryffindor #iamnotteamswithmalfoy
I hate living with my uncle, aunt and cousin so much #notmyhome #ihatemymugglelife #iwantmyrealfriends #myrealparentsaredead

Malfoy is getting more devious these days #wizardproblems #myenemy #ihategreen #hesuptosomething
I don't like getting caught by the staff members at Hogwarts while walking through the school at night. Or else Professor McGonagall will take our points away. #detention #notourgoodnight #poorgryffindor #iamtryingtoexplainwhathappened

Sirius Snape is one of those staffs belonging to Slytherin. He's too freaky with his big spells. #slytherinstaff #freakystaff