In-house Animator
Bachelors graphic design degree
For most entry-level and advanced graphic design positions, you will need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college if you are seeking an associate’s degree, you can obtain your certification from a variety of schools.
Bachelor's degrees for graphic design
is not required but very much favoured in
the industry. Most artist in animation will have
at least a bachelor's n graphic design.
Elementary school degree
High school degree
In order to get in a graphic design course many universities recommend that students complete a year of basic art and design courses during high school to develop and learn the fundamentals of art and design. Usually that can come from an elective that you take at high school.
Freelance Illustrating
This usually doesn't require a degree or any form of
education. Usually with social media people can build
communities and reputation and may potentially get hired
as an In-house artist.
Freelancing has become very very popular in recent
times, with the rise of social media and the internet
Artists have become much more independant and have
had more freedom with self employment
Usually when freelancing you will have to create a portfolio
or a website just to show off to your potential hirers about
your talent. Other than that, artists also have a twitter or a instagram that they can promote their art upon.
One of the best things about being an animator is that you can easily show your skills and knowledge through your work. Because of this, there are no strict educational requirements for animators.
Related carreers
Freelance artist
Freelance Artists are very related to being
an animator because you are still working
in the animation industry, the only difference
is that you are working on a contract and not a salary.
Many In-House animators become
In-house animators through being
a freelance artist.
Creative Director
Being a creative director is linked to being an
animator because instead of dong the grunt work
like animating. You are the on that is Leading them.
You can determine the creative vision of a project
and overlook and take a cohesive study at what
your workers are doing.
Other types of animators
3D modeller Artist
Lighting Artist
Other types of animator are directly and obviously
related to animation because they still work in the industry
and if you're working in a studio you will run into these other types of animators. These animators have very similar implications to one another, they are directly connected in order to make a animated project come to life.
Stop Motion Animator
Rigging Artist
Graphic Artist
This is related to this career because
they develop illustrations and designs
just like animators but unlike
animators they also design
logos and video game characters.
Web designer
Web designers make and draft
A website that is concise and easy
on the eyes, as well as working with
animators for specific things that
are not in their skillset. For that reason
they are related to animation.
Skills and work habits
Time Management
An animator must meet deadlines or they could
burden some of their peers or even their directive
An example of a very tight deadline that an
animator sometime has to meet is, doing 15
seconds of animation a day. For someone to
to meet that has to draw 360 frames per day
Time Management is an important skill because
you need it to meet deadlines quickly and to have
time for other projects to work on.
Determination takes a play when animating.
When you have such strict schedules, you need
a very strong, determined and resilient mind or
else your mental health will take a toll.
An example of peoples mental health is Japan.
Japan has a very booming animation workforce.
But most animators become shut ins because of
such tight deadlines from their companies. About
613, 000 people in 2018 have been considered shut ins.
Creative mind
A creative mind is needed when doing animation
because, when doing a project that you have
creative freedom, your job is to think of ways
of how the scene is going to pan out.
Ability to draw
Having an ability to draw is crucial for animation.
If you cannot illustrate what im trying to make in one
frame, how are you supposed to do it multiple times.
Artistic talent is imperative to draw well and
have fluid and proper animation.
When being an animator, you will have to have
an abundance of patience. If you have a tight project
due, you will have to work long hours in the day and night
to full-fill it. If you get impatient and rush it, your boss will
likely make you redo tons of frames over again.
Ability to take instructions
Having an ability to take instruction is very
important to an animator. If you're inaccurate
in animating a scene for your boss, you have a
risk of getting fired, especially if you are a
freelance artist.
Interest in art
Im very interested in Art and any type
of visual artistry.
Even though im very interested in art,
the reason im specifically going into animation
is that I like creating with my hands and I also like
working individually but simultaneously working
in a team. Being an in-house animator provides this luxury.
Im also interested in music/sound design and
other things like animation directory.
Like working with technology
Overall I like having something digitally
to work with rather than physically. Especially
with art, I like working with digital programs
and having freedom to undo and redo.
Achievable job
With other jobs that I've thought of doing,
they seemed almost unachievable or I didn't
enjoy enough to put much effort in going into
the industry fo it. When talking about animation
It seemed like the perfect balance of enjoyment
in my job and it being achievable.
Interest in animation in general
For a long time, since i was young I've always
enjoyed anime or cartoons. When i started drawing
at a young age I really enjoyed the idea of making
my own show or animated movie.