Life Map
By Krishna D
I was born on November 30,2004 at
Credit Valley Hospital. My parents were very happy to see me. My mothers name is Toorandai Dhari and my dad's name is Ravindra Dhari and they were very hapy to see me born.

2, My cousin being born, 2007
My cousin Jayden was born on April 21 2007, I now
Had a new cousin to hang out with and be friends for life. Jayden at birth was very small and he was fun to hang out with, Jayden changed me as a person because he taught me how to socialize more often with people and he learned me how to do some magic tricks.
Starting Elementary School, 2008
I started elementary school on September 4,2008 at
Brian W fleming Public School I felt very sad because
I didnt' know anyone there. The way I changed this was by
talking to other people.
Doing a school play, 2012
In 2012, I did a school play in front of the whole school.
This was very awkward for me because
I was very shy due to people bullying me back in grade 2. This changed me as a person because I was
feeling very down during this time and this play
cheered me up
Great Grandfather passing away, 2013
On October 13, 2013 my great grandfather passed away
due to old age. I was very sad to hear this because he was
my best friend and I would talk to him all the time. Thanks to my family and the support they gave me,I was able to adapt.
First day of High School, September 2018
On September 3,2018 it was my first day
of high school. I was very nervous because
I wasn't familiar with everyone. The teacher's
there was very nice and very welcoming. One skill
I learned was not to judge a book by it's
cover. It chnaged me as a person because I became
more mature and took my work seriously.
Graduating Elementary School, 2015
On june 26,2015,
I graduated Elementary
School at Brian W Fleming Public
School. I was very happy because
it was the first time I accomlished
something. I learned how to be
resilient because through out
elementary school, I was being doubted by
other people.
First Day of middle School, 2015
On September 4,2015, I started
middle school at Glenhaven
Senior Public School. I felt very sad
because I dind't want to start middle school.
Learning how to swim, 2017
In 2017, I took swimming lessons
at bucklers aquatics and in a couple
of months, I learned how to swim. I was very
excited because I used to be very bad at swimming
and I was being made fun of often by my friends. This
changed me because I was feeling very sad and now being
able to swim was good for me,
Graduating Middle School,2018
On June 27,2018, I graduated Middle school. I was very pleased because I was happy to see all my family there join me out this very special moment for me. I also got the honor roll because of my good grades. And now I am ready to experience High school Graduation, through this Graduation, I
learned how to smile more.