Multilingualism and
Language choice
Diglossia in a community
Is a societal bilingualism and institutionalised
This is a domain-based distinction in when you use different languages, registers or styles.
High variety
1.It is a language with higher preatige.
2. It is use in formal cobtext
Low variety
Is the vernacular variety of the HV
The informal interactions and the language of Friends
Using the model of
language vitality
Canada’s First Nations languages
Canada is home to the languages of the First Nations, the termused in Canada to refer to the native North American peoples
Wales: identity and language post-devolution
In Wales they promoting Welsh as a core cultural value
Some promoters of Welsh argue that there is a need to go beyond the protectionist persuasion of Welsh to a discourse that focuses on promoting bilingualism.
Language policy and language planning in multilingual societies
Is the probability that a language will continue to be used in various social functions by a community of speakers
Controlled forms of linguistic variation can have strong social effects.
It refers to use some language in a certain context and another in a different context
Code switching and code mixing
Domain-based or situational code switching
This occurs when the code switch happens from where the speaker is.
Here the change occurs by who the speaker is talking to.
Deciding when to use which code
Passive knowledge:
Is the ability to understand a language but not speak it.
Active knowledge:
The ability to speak and understand the language
Example: A foreign that knows a language fluently
This concept can be interpreted as the union of ethnography and linguistics, since the use of a certain language is a determining factor that defines a culture or an ethnic identity. Vitality is an indicator that gives us a clue as to whether the language will continue to be spoken or not.
The three pillars of ethnolinguistic vitality
Distribution, numbers
Social status,
economical status, etc.
Institutional support
Education, religion, culture, etc.
It is about the replacement of vocabulary with radically different forms in the different styles associated with different social groups.
South Africa
The domination of a white group in the Soweto region not only represented the violation of universal human rights, but also the pseudo authority to legislate and control matters related to the language.
Up to 114 different languages are spoken in Vanuatu and counting, it is the country with the highest density of languages per capita in the world.
The national language of the Republic of Vanuatu is Bislama. The official languages
are Bislama, English and French.