My Learning Profile

What can teachers do to support my learning?

Provide examples and due dates, post possible project management timelines, direct teaching a individual skills in larger projects, graphic organizers to organize my thinking

What activities and interests I pursue outside of school?

sports, time with family, and time with friends

Who Am I?

Interests - Sports, Music, Religious Discussions, Hanging Out with Family & Friends

Beliefs - I'm a Muslim and I believe in Islam

Goals - My goal is to become an Engineer. Specifically a Chemical Engineer

Gender - Male

Age - 16

Background - Pakistan/Qatar

What are my learning strengths, styles and/or preferences?

Learning Preferences

Working in pairs/small groups

Particular times of the day for learning, eating, breaks

Frequent Breaks

Learning Strengths

Visual (learning by seeing: drawing pictures, using visual clues, using graphics and videos)

Learning Styles

Innovation and Creativity

Learning Skills and Work Habits

