My Life Goals
Learn how to bake
Short term steps- I need to practice a few times each week.I also need to practice new recipies, so I get better.
Long term steps- To start my own bakery when I get older, if I become good enough.
Volunteer Work
Short term steps- I would have to volunteer at the library on a regular basis.And prove that I am dependable.
Long term steps- I might be able to get a job at the library I I can show them that I am trustworthy.

College Dance Instructor
Short term steps- I would have to get a job at a local dance studio.
Long term steps- Becoming adance instructor at a college.

Summer art classes
Short term steps- To sign up for art classes this summer.
Long term steps- I need to practice often, so I can become better at art.
Graduate High School with Asssociates'Degree
Short term steps- I need to keep up my good grades so I can achieve this goal.
Long term steps- I need to try to complete my first two years of college, while I am still in high school.