Nuclear Energy


Efficient Energy Source

Nuclear power plants provide a stable and reliable source of energy and are able to produce a large amount of electricity from small amount of fuel. This source of energy also creates more stability within countries because it eliminates the need to import fossil fuels and can operate for long periods of time without a new source of fuel. Another benefit includes zero carbon emissions coming from the production of nuclear energy making it better for the atmosphere than fossil fuels. ^

Importance of Safety Precatutions

Ensuring that there are proper safety precautions in place reduce the possibility of nuclear accidents. Majority of accidents that have occurred because of outdated equipment and poor management which has created stigma around using nuclear energy as a main source of power.

Proper Storage

Nuclear waste can be detrimental for surrounding environments and wildlife, however the risk of leakage can be decreased by ensuring that there are enough storage buildings for each power plant being built, and researching further into alternative storage methods.

Pro Nuclear Energy

Clean Energy Source

There are no carbon emissions or noxious greenhouse gases produced by the operation of nuclear energy plants. By implicating more nuclear energy sources, there will be no addition of nitrous oxide, volatile organic compounds, or other pollutants into the atmosphere while energy is being produced. (Marsh, 2021)

Small Land Area

Certain energy practices such as wind turbines and solar panels take up a much larger area of space than nuclear power plants which lessens the amount of habitat destruction and damage to the ecosystem (Marsh, 2021)

High Density Energy

Running a nuclear power plant required far less fuel to sustain than other power plant options, and they are able to produce a much larger quantity of energy in a shorter amount of time compared to classic energy sources such as fossil fuels (Lane, 2021)

Anti Nuclear Energy


Managing and operating a nuclear power plant after construction is cost efficient however, the processes of building the power plant can have high costs. Overall the high upfront cost is worth it to ensure that there are proper safety precautions in place and decrease the risk of malfunction and protect surrounding environments (Marsh, 2021)

Nuclear Waste

Although there are no carbon emissions produced during operations, there is a fair amount of nuclear waste that needs to be disposed of properly. Ensuring that there are multiple storage facilities with the property safety precautions in place would prevent any potential leaks or lack of disposal space (Lane, 2021)

Non Renewable

Nuclear power plants rely on the availability of uranium to produce energy which is a non-renewable resource that will not regenerate once depleted. If humans rely solely on nuclear power, there will not be a sufficient amount of uranium left meaning that other forms of power such as solar should be used alongside nuclear power (Marsh, 2021)


Nuclear energy is an essential future source of electricity

As climate change becomes a bigger issue, the need for renewable and efficient sources of energy is essential in keeping ecosystems healthy and preventing further damage to our atmosphere.

Importance of Conclusion

Reduces the amount of carbon and harmful chemicals being emitted into the atmosphere, providing the opportunity for biogeochemical cycles to repair themselves. The effects of climate change can be offset and greenhouse gasses will have less of a negative impact.

Although nuclear power plants do not emit harmful chemicals, the issue of uranium being non-renewable can be solved by implementing other energy sources such as solar and wind which are renewable and provide a sustainable source of electricity .