G101 Project Analysis Team 5

Technology is the main driver in the advancement of knowledge in the changing landscape of applied sciences

Purpose of Analysis : To analyse how the use of technology has benefited the discovery of new drugs in pharmaceutical industry

Major Question: How has technology helped in the discovery new drugs in the pharmaceutical industry?

What are some technologies that helps in the discovery of new drugs ?


How does microscope helps in the discovery of new drugs ?

Chemical Milling Machine

How does the chemical milling machine help in the discover of new drugs ?

Michronizing Machine

How does the micrhonizing machine helps in the discover of new drugs ?


DNA microarray technology

How does the DNA microarray technology helps in the discovery of new drugs ?

What are the informations needed in order to discover new drugs?

What causes the diseases ?

What drugs inhibits these diseases ?


How does some of the technology helps with the uses of another technology

How is discovery of new drugs important ?

How can we use these informations together to help create a suitable drugs ?