Rebecca's Biography


Elementary School.
-I attended only one elementary school in Delray Beach, FL..
-The school was called Plumosa Elementary.
-I spent my entire elementary years there (K-5).

Middle School.
-I attended one middle school called Odyssey Middle located in Boynton Beach, FL.
-I spent grades 6-8 there.
-It was in middle school where I first started Cheerleading.

High School.
-I attended one high school called Boynton Beach Community High in Boynton Beach, FL.
-At this school, close to 2,000 kids attended every year.
-It is this school that I would spend my last grade school years in (9-12) and graduate high school from.

Personal Interests

I love to cheer.
-I had been cheering since the 7th grade.
-I fell in love with the way cheerleaders moved there bodies in the air and on the ground and I wanted to be able to do those same things and have those same abilities.
-It wasn't until I started college I decided to stop cheering but I still love the sport and enjoy watching the competitions.

I love Kids.
-I have been around younger children at a very young age.
-I would help babysit my younger siblings and my younger cousins, help feed and clothe them as well as play baby games.
-I ended up learning to love being around them so much that I decided to choose the teaching profession just to be around kids 24/7 and teach them vaulable lessons.

I love Shopping.
-I think it is important to treat yourself and I love to treat myself.
-Shopping brings me at ease because it makes me feel like I deserve to buy such and such due to the hard work that I've put into my studies and work.
-I also like the feeling you get when you try on new clothes or new shoes and coming home with the bags. It makes you feel good.

Childhood Experiences

Disney World!
-I was about 10 years old, It was the first time I went to a theme park and my very first theme park was Disney World.
-I went with my mother, father, sister and aunt.
-It was there I experienced the rush of my first roller coaster and ever since I've been in love with roller coasters.

Early Loss.
-At the age of 13, I experienced a tragedy: My mother passed away.
-It was the saddest and most traumatic feeling I had ever gone and will ever go through in my entire life.
-I will never forget it.

I "broke my arm".

-When I was about 8 or 9 years old I was playing during recess with my school friends and we would pretend to be cheerleaders.I decided to do a cartwheel to show off my skills because I was one of the few girls in my grade who knew how to do one.
-I went for it and landed badly on my arm. I went home after school and cried because I thought I broke my arm and I didn't know how to tell my mom.
-The next morning I ended up telling my mom I broke my arm and she took a look at it and decided to ice and massage it. Sure enough a few hours later my arm felt much better.

Fun Facts

-I was the Captain of my high school cheerleading team.
-I held that position for 2 years in a row: My junor and senior year in high school.
-I went on to received the "Captain of the Year" award towards the end of my senior year.

Volunteer Work.
-While still in high school, I got myself involved in a mentor ship program where I went from being a men-tee to learning how to and eventually would become a mentor.
-I volunteered to aid 2nd grade children in learning to read better and teaching them new vocabulary to familiarize themselves with.
-I helped VPK teachers run the classroom through my Early Childhood Education program at my high school.