Sociology - Social Inequalities: Class and Gender
Is the idea that class doesn't exist a myth?
Do we live in a class free society?
What is social class?
Not just about economic capital.
. Also 'educational caital and cultral capital'.- Pierre Bourdieu. Habitus is therefore important.
But do these things necessarily co-incide?
4 Social groups...
High in economic and cultural capital
High in economic, and low in cultural
Low economic and high cultural
Low in both.
Socialisation Theories +Post-Structuralist Theories.
Treatment by parents produces gender. Imitation and Identification.
Nancy Chodorow (1976) : Psychoanalytic approach.Femininity/Masculinity - rooted in emotional structes establishedin early life.e.g men emotionally restricted , independent and work orientated.Women more emotionally connected, less work orientated and attentive to others.
Sue Sharpe (1976)Children 'rehearse' future roles at home.Changes in attitudes.
Bronwyn DaviesReproduction of gender through social norms.Importance of social action: how we do gender.
What about meritocracy and individualism?
"Merit rewarded in Britain is not divided by class,but united by aspiration." - Gordon Brown
To understand why social inequalities are reproduced...wealth retention, power, habitus.
Each class has its own habitus. Social class isan elementary fact.
We continue living in highly stratified societies.
Works to keep upper class powerful + lower class powerless
Much of this is unintentional.
Social Inequality...
Josepth Rowntree said the gap between rich and poor is at alltime high, widest in four years at the moment.
11 years life expectancy difference betweenrich and poor.
Roughly 20% of population suffer deprivation.
Some don't have high street bank account.Have to spend 10% income on energy bills.Poor access to transport.
What is gender?
Sex is biological, gender as social.
Gender is not inherent in people (biologicallyor psychologically).
a) Produced by social structures (Walby)b) Produced through micro-practices.
It is difficult to seperate the effects of nature and culture.
Bodies sit between nature and culture.