Blue warp
Great Bay Coast
East Clock Town (upper)
East Clock Town (lower)
Goron Shop
Goron Village
Twin Islands
Goron Shrine
Bomb Grotto
Goron Village
Hot Spring Water Grotto
Goron Racetrack
Mountain Village
Snowhead Fairy
Snowhead Temple
Path to Snowhead
Mountain Village
Twin Islands
Goron Graveyard
Spring Grotto
Path to Snowhead
Path to Mountain Village
Mountain Village
Termina Field
Day 2 Grotto
Southern Swamp
Inverted Stone Tower Temple
Stone Tower
Beneath the
Well (Back)
Ikana Castle
Ikana Canyon
South Clock Town
Kafei's Hideout
Termina Field
East Clock Town
Inverted Stone Tower
Ikana Canyon
Stone Tower Temple
Night 3 Grave
Dampé's House
Road to Ikana
Bomb Grotto
Night 2 Grave
Night 1 Grave
Southern Swamp
Swamp Fairy
Woodfall Temple
Stone Tower
Road to Ikana
Ikana Castle Exterior
Music Box House
Southern Swamp
Ikana Cave
Beneath the
Well (Front)
Chest Grotto
Secret Shrine
Ikana Fairy
Ghost Hut
Termina Field
Boulder Grotto
Southern Swamp (lower)
Southern Swamp (upper)
Deku Shrine
Bean Grotto
Road to Southern Swamp
Swamp Spider House
Deku Palace (upper)
Deku Palace (lower)
Potion Shop
Tourist Info Centre
Woods of Mystery
Termina Field
Southern Swamp
Chest Grotto
Swamp Archery
Zora Cape (front)
Lulu's Room
Evan's Room
Japas' Room
Mikau & Tijo's Room
Zora Shop
Zora Hall (back)
Great Bay Coast
Great Bay Temple
Ocean Fairy
Zora Hall (front)
Waterfall Rapids
Great Bay Coast
PF Interior
PF Sewers (end)
PF Sewers (start)
Milk Road (owl)
Milk Road (fence)
Milk Road
Mama's House
Cow shed
Cucco Shack
Doggy Racetrack
Termina Field
Gorman Bros
Gorman Racetrack
Romani Ranch
Chest Grotto
Fisherman's Hut
Zora Cape
Ocean Spider House
Cow Grotto
Pirates' Fortess
Marine Lab
Great Bay Coast
West Clock Town
Musical Stones Grotto
Bio Baba Grotto
South Clock Town
Peahat grotto
Milk Road
Musical stones grotto
Grass grotto
Log Grotto
Road to Southern Swamp
East Clock Town
Business Scrub Grotto
Pillar Grotto
Musical Stones Grotto
Road to Ikana
Musical Stones Grotto
North Clock Town
Path to Mountain Village
Dodongo Grotto
South Clock Town (upper)
South Clock Town (Lower)
Post Office
Sword School
Termina Field
Bomb Shop
Trading Post
Curiosity Shop
South Clock Town (upper)
North Clock Town
South Clock Town (lower)
Stock Pot Inn (Upper)
Stock Pot Inn (Lower)
Treasure Chest Shop
Town Shooting Gallery
Honey & Darling
Milk bar
Mayor's Office
Termina Field
Bombers' Hideout
South Clock Town
Deku Playground
Town Fairy
Termina Field
West Clock Town (upper)
West Clock Town (lower)
Laundry Pool
Termina Field
East Clock Town
Zora Cape (back)
East Clock Town (Lower)
Termina Field
Pinnacle Rock
East Clock Town (upper)
North Clock Town
South Clock Town
North Clock Town
East Clock Town
West Clock Town
Termina Field North
Termina Field East
Termina Field South
Termina Field West
Great Bay Coast
Milk Road
Romani Ranch
Gorman Racetrack
Pirates' Fortress Exterior
Zora Cape
Zora Hall
Road to Southern Swamp
Southern Swamp
Deku Palace
Road to Ikana
Ikana Canyon
Stone Tower
Bombers' Hideout / Observatory
Laundry Pool
Ikana Castle Exterior
Inverted Stone Tower
Woods of Mystery
Path to Mountain Village
Mountain Village
Path to Snowhead
Twin Islands
Goron Village
Goron Shrine
Stock Pot Inn
Dampé's House
Pinnacle Rock
Woodfall Temple
Swamp Fairy
Tourist Info Centre
Swamp Spider House
Bean Grotto
South Clock Town
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