Most everybody knows what a spider looks like, some know what a poisonious spider looks like. But did you know that actually ALL spiders are poisonious? All spiders may be poisonious, but they're not all harmful. some spiders can't actually bite you and others the bite is only enough to just leave a mark or a sore spot on you, not enough to actually kill you or even put you in the hosipital. But some actually are dangerous enough that you can end up in the hospital or worse, dead.
First I'm going to talk about how to identify a couple differentt very harmful spiders. If you can't identify at least a couple spiders that an kill you, whats the point of knowing about them.
Second, I'm going to tell you about where you can find these certain poisonious spiders, because if I were you i would stay away from these areas.
Lastly, I am going to tell you about what the bite looks like and what to do if you ever get biten by one of these 3 spiders. Forewarning the pictures of the bites are pretty nasty.
You should always be careful definetly if you are cleaning in places that you cant see very well, because you never know where a spider may be quietly waiting for you.
1. Identification
I'm going to tell you about the 3 most harmful spiders to you in the U.S.
Brown Recluse
About the size of a US quarter with its legs extended
The color ranges from tan to dark brown and the abdomen and legs are uniformly colored.
The brown recluse doesn't have any markings on it. It is simply one solid color. But according to the University of Kentucky of Agricultue, posted in a web article on a cite the Univerisity posted specially for entimology, Brown Recluse spiders, do have 6 eyes in 3 sets of 2 which do set them apart from other brown spiders. Other spiders have 8 eyes.

Southern Black Widow
According to the Texas A&M Agrilife Extention's website the body of a female Southern Black Widow is typically shinny black with red markings
The female is about 3/8 of an inch and the male is about 3/16 of an inch. So they aren't very big at all, plus they can blend into dark places pretty well.
The only ignificant marking that the Southern Black Widow has is that they have a red hour glass shape marking on the underside of their abdomen. They also may have some red spots down the top of their back.

Northern Black Widow
The Northern Black Widow is the same size as the Southern Black Widow, both the male and the female.
The colors on the Nortern Black Widow are different though. They also tend to be a shinny black, but they also have red, yellow, and some white on them.
They have the red hour glass on the underside of their abdomen also but they also have very faint white lines on their underside also. Also similar to the Southern Black Widow they have some red spots going down their back but the red spots also have a ring of yellow around them
2. Location and Habitat
The Brown Recluse, Northern and Southern Black Widows all 3 are Nocturnal which means that they only come out at night.
Brown Recluse
where you can find their webs.
Northern Black Widow
The Northern Black Widow is usually found in the Eastern region of the US.
The only difference between the Northern and Sounthern Black Widows is what they look like and what regions of the US they are found in.
Southern Black Widow
The Southern Black Widow is usually found in, well, the Southern regions of the US.
So, in conclusion, i have talked about three of the most poisonious spiders in the US that can actually harm you, which means that not all spiders can actually hurt you, due to their mouth not being big enough to bite you, such as the spider we all know and have all seen the Daddy Long Leg.
But remember, where the Brown Recluse, Northern Black Widow, and Southern Black Widow all make their webs or nests so you can be sure to stay away from them so you dont get bit by one of them. But if you do happened to fall into a fight with one of them, make sure you get medical attention as soon as possible. I wouldn't want any of you to loose a limb because of a spider bite.
Just think, these are only three of the spiders in the US, there are lots and lots more.
Works Cited
google images
3. Effect of Bite

Brown Recluse
time frame of when it starts to look like this
brown recluse
The type of medical care you should get and the amount of time you should do it in before it looks like this.

Northern Black Widow
this is the first site of the bite
northrn black widow
amount of time that it takes before it looks like this
northern black widow
the type of medical treatment you should get before it starts to like like this

Southern black widow
the beginning of the spider bite is almost identical to the Northern Black Widow, but the Southern Black Widows bite bubbles up more like a puss bubble. The Northern's actually eats away at the skin.
southern black widow
medical treatment that you need to get and how soon you shold get it