Supporting Language & learning
2. Tools for supporting comprehension of materials
Graphic organizers and other visuals
Using ICTs: PPT, Prezi,...
Using video/powtoon
Using songs or drama
Simplifying and adapting texts
Different means of representation
information abundancy
3.Support through teacher talk
Repeating & paraphrasing
Signposting discourse
Simplifying, summarising
4.Scaffolding participation & interaction
increase time to think
Promote pairwork & cooperative work
Providing scaffolding: questions, modeling, etc
Feedback & recast
1. Strategies for supporting output
Activate key terms
Promote noticing
Sentence starters
Substitution tables
Using writing frames
Focus on writing process: model, joint writing, etc
5.Support through design of (assessment) tasks
Adapting L2 requirements of tasks
Writing clear instructions
Multiple means of action & expression
Use formative assessment and reflection