How to improve the physical fitness of RP students?

What factors affects physical fitness?

How does diet affect your physical fitness?


at least two liters a day, flush out toxins in the body, replenish body fluid



at least 5-7 servings a day, make you feel full throughout, feel more energized


FIBER - important for digestive system, fecal matter will come out smoothly


fruits, vegetables, repair body, improves functions in body, therefore improving immune system and overall health


help to repair and build the body, muscle mass, etc.

How physical exercise affects your health?


build up training for your heart. Strengthens the heart, improves the immune system and

Strength Training

build up muscles and reduces fat mass. improves endurance and power. (boost)

How does mental health affect physical fitness?

Emotional Health

Minimal stress, a good and peaceful state of mind.

What are the lifestyle factors that affect physical fitness?


sleep at least 6- 8 hours at night. gives you more energy, improving your immune system, and feel much more effective in the day.

Social Interaction

with social interactions, you will friends with same motivation and goals as you, to lead a healthy lifestyle. and also, it makes you feel better, and confide in them. feeling happy.

How does spiritual activity help physical fitness?

helps to heal the person (like spiritually with God), with their beliefs. Makes them feel better about themselves, feeling more safe and secure.



Physical exercise

Mental health

Spiritual activity

Other lifestyle factors