Jennifer, The Princess and the Pizza.
Mary Jane Auch
Jane is a qualified author who creates children's
tales sometimes along with her husband, Henry Auch.
They wrote books such as One Plus One equals Blue,
Ashes of Roses, The Road to Home, The Journy to nowhere,
and much more books, She won the Best Storytelling trophy in 2003.
Notable Works
Ashes of Roses
One plus One equals Blue
The Road To Home
2003 Best Storytelling trophy
Young Hooiser picture Book Award
Herm Auch
Background Information
Fairy Tale
Fairy Tales are made up stories about animals that do
not exist. These include unicorns, pixies, giants, trolls, elves,
tree elves, goblins, and much much more. They can exist in different styles, they can be referring to real life or just straight made up stories.
Main characters
Kind and focused,
very hard-working and willing.
The King
Poor but not hard working,
may be kindness in heart.
Queen Vera
Bossy but has the same
likes as Paulina.
The other 11 princesses
Mean and wants the
Prince all to themselves.
The Royal Page
Kind and always obedient
Once Upon A Time
This story is a fairy tale
so it must be made up even though
it didn't say.
In a neighbouring Kingdom
This is one of the settings
although it could also be in Queen
Vera's Castle, where the competition
takes place.
The Princess and the Pizza is about
Princess Paulina, the daughter of a king who
gave up as his role and decided to be a
woodchopper. Princess Paulina didn't have a
job, and when the news of Queen Vera holding a competition
that whoever wins will become the bride for her son, she
immediantly dressed back like her old princess style and
goes into the competition, along with 11 more princesses.
Discover a world of humour, self-trust, and mistakin identities.
Third Person Veiwpoint
fairy tale
5 difficult / beautiful words
A person payed to run a business or errand
The Royal Page....
A type of long hair on someone not always a girl
And the other had such
an long braid....
Too ripe; past it's best
three overripe tomatoes....
To accompany someone/something as an escort
A servant escorted Paulina to her room....
Main Events (i.a.)
Princess Paulina is the daughter of a poor wood chopper
who once was the king. She doesn’t have a job, and she tries
everything to be like a princess but she is always ignored and mistaken for doing something else.
She tries walking a stray chicken around the manure,
but it just pecked at her toes. Surveying the kingdom
from the shack's leaky roofs gave it even more holes.
She tried princess waving but no one bothered to wave
back. They thought she was just swatting at flies.
This is a fantasy story. It is about a
a girl name Paulina who doesn't have a job.
Paulina's father has given up his role of being
the king and decides to be a woodchopper. I
think that he shouldn't have dragged Paulina
into his business too, since it is his own idea.
Paulina soon discovers her life is not what it
seems like.
Princess Paulina decides to enter a competition.
She does 4 games and wins each of them. But,
each game has its own difficulties. The other 11
princesses do not want to be outdone, and some
of them are pretending to be a princess. It turns
out that only Paulina is the real one, and the others
just want to marry the prince.
The 7 princesses who looked bright-eyed were sent home
The to big-footed princesses were also sent home
Game One
To sleep on a bed with 16 mattresses
7 princesses who looked bright-eyed lost the competition
and were sent back home
It means that they slept well the night before
Always believe in your own ideas. Only
your idea is the best, no matter how great
the other person's design looks. When
Paulina made her pizza, she saw the other
princess's 'beautiful' recipes and thought she
might be beheaded. But, she was the only
one that had the truth, as the others had all
cheated. Your idea is the key to all the cells.
The competition took part in Queen Vera's palace.
The other 'princesses' were all sent home execpt for
Paulina. The queen begged her to give them the
recipe of her delicious pizza, but she told them the recipe
for her pizza must remain a family secret. Queen Zela
begged and begged and finally, Paulina decided to
open a pizza shop, allowing everyone in the town to feast.
Every Thursday, on the royal chef's
day off, Queen Zelda and Prince Drupert
went to Paulina's for Popcorn-Pineapple
Pizza. They often stayed to play cards
with Paulina's father.
Even if your competer's design looks good,
do not be jealous of them. Even if you don't
win, it is important not to be grumpy. Paulina
saw the other princess's recipes, and she
thought she would be beheaded for sure. But
the prince liked the taste of her pizza, not just
the look. You will always be lucky if you try.
Princess Paulina's life changed entirely after
Queen Vera allowed her to build a shop of her
own down the streets. Queen Vera was proud
of her, and she and Paulina's dad became great
friends, and Paulina's worries of having Queen
Vera as a stepmother starts to arise.
Life was good. Paulina was glad that
she didn't have Queen Vera as her
mother-in-law, but she worried about
one thing. She worried she would get
Queen Vera as her stepmother!
Paulina is constantly being bullied by other princesses
and Queen Vera doesn't CARE.
Page 16
She and the long braided princess were in the final
and the other princess also made a pretty recipe.
Page 17
Turning point / climax of the story
It is the turning point when Princess Paulina
stuttered the words 'Pete's uhh'. This is how
the queen thought that the recipe she made
was called pizza, and she won the competition.
Memorable (quote / citation ) from the story
Paulina did not think much of the competition
Because good things happen only when you don't
think much about it
In a literary work, a motif can be seen as an image, sound, action, or other figure that has a symbolic significance, and contributes toward the development of a theme.
To always have trust in yourself.
Don't be jealous of ohter people
Even with little materials, if you
put effort into it will always taste good.