The Womens Movement

Leaders/Key Organizations

Nation Organization for Women (NOW)
-formed by Betty Freidman
-wanted to win true equality for women
-Gloria Steinem, organized fem. mag Ms


-attacked stereotypes in media (NOW)
-worked with existing political system
and with for political reform
-protested Miss America Pageant
-worked undercover at Playboy
uncovered humiliating work conditions


-both men and women opposed the movement
-Phyllis Schaftly, "a total assault on the family, on marriage, and on children"
-fought against ERA, claimed it would end sex-segregated bathrooms, have women in the military, and hurt the nuclear family--ERA fell three states short of ratification


Ultimately wanted gender equality

Wanted to redefine how they were viewed

Wanted more opportunities in their lives

Equal Rights Amendment

Reproductive rights--abortion


-women's roles and opportunities in society expanded
-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), enforced federal ban on discrimination in hiring
-Title IX of the Higher Education act banned discrimination in education
-Equal Opportunity Credit Act--banned refusing to give women credit
-Roe v. Wade, gave women the right to abortions
-shifted attitudes of men and women
-women in the workplace grew from 30% (1950) to 60% (2000)


highly educated women had few opporunities

restrictive roles in society

Feminization of poverty, many poor are single women