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SMART Goals Template

SMART Goals Template

Set goals and think about them in detail to achieve them faster. Use the SMART criteria to guide you.

Keywords: SMART goals, personal life, goal setting, New Year goals

SMART Goals Template

This template helps you break down your goals using the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Start by defining each aspect of your goal in detail, ensuring it’s clear and attainable. This structured approach not only clarifies your objectives but also accelerates your progress by keeping you focused and motivated. Ideal for both personal and professional development, this template guides you toward successful goal achievement.

SMART goals

'The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.'

Bill Copeland


The goals should be relevant.

The other objectives

Does this goal contribute to your other objectives?

Current situation

Can this goal be achieved in your current situation?

Right time

Is this the right time for your goal?


The goals should be timely.

Two months contribution

What can you do two months from now to achieve your goal?

Today contribution

What can you do today for this goal?


When will you achieve your goal?


The goals should be achievable.

Effort worth

Is this goal worth the effort you will invest?


What is your motivation to reach your goal?


Do you have the resources that you need to reach your goal?


The goals should be measurable.

Steps number

How many steps will it take to achieve your goal?

Succes measurement

How will you measure success?


How will you know when you achieve your goal?


The goals should be specific.

What steps?

What are the steps you need to take in order to achieve it?

Reason why

Why do you want to achieve this goal?


What exactly do you want to achieve?

SMART Goals Template

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