av Hailey Liggett för 11 årar sedan
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There were many things wrong socially in Sierra Leon just about ten years ago, starting with the fact that seventy percent of residents lived in poverty. Another problem is that revinew being genarted by their wonderful wealth of blood dimonds has never been used towards the well being of citizens. There is high unemployment, unmet standards, and over half of the grown population is illiterate. Over 400,000 people in the society are mentaly ill, mostly due to being forced into being childhood soilders, if not ill, most of the rest of them have turned to drugs. Many maternal deaths, high infant mortallity, and extreamly low life expectantcy, are everyday concerns and problems in this society.
The best thing that Sierra Leon's econmy offers is the wonderous welth of blood diamonds, however even that has been turened into a con, because there are over 75,000 illegal miners in the heart of their most abundant diamond area. The econmic growth rate slows every year due to illegal miners, and there is very high unemployment.
The horrible politics are also effecting the economic stand point of this society because the economic growth rate is slowed due to corrupect goverment officals. There has also been a break down in law and order. Not only this, but civil war has left the society's foundation broken along with everything else. As you can see the political cons of Sierra Leon are quite gruesome.
Many people ment each other in the caves and sold diamonds to the government to make money
Had very many places to mine. Very good to be in the middle of the mine
Lots of diamonds one of the top 10 diamond mining area in the world
The social cons are very obious and quite troubling. The socirty was very isolated from other countries and cultures, which dispromoats exceptance. The rights of citizens were very limited or non-existance in, civil, religious, and political respects. The people must live in constant fear, would'ent you if your country has executed more people then any other country in the world, and is know for useing barbaric torture methoods. The carbon dioxcide levals are very high and breathing must be difficult, esspically since they have a vast population. To control some problems, the people suffer because instead of implyimenting real soultiontions, they control nd imply strict restrictions.
Modern day China has few economical problems that the artical has made me aware of, but they are quite a burden to the people. Some problems are, that they are still rebounding from a civil war, and due to their vast population, supply and demand is really troublesome for their markets.
The goverment in modern day China is not even close to perfect, their flaws are widely ranged, however all quite horrible, and preventitive. The goverment closely restricts foreign activities, the goverment put down a riot using brutal and barbaric methoods, killing hundreds of their own country men, and the peoples civil, political, and religous rights were taken away.
Everyone lived nearby since its a small place instead of a large area.
There was shops almost everywhere that you go no and many people had jobs
Everyone was able to get a job no matter where it was if you wanted a job in modern day china you would be able to find one. Almost no one is poor most people had a decent life
Before the peacekeepers came there was no cerfew people could sneak out after dark and people could talk all day long
Katniss and gale could sneak out from the gate. They could go hunting and thats how they made there food and money
They had a sort of democracy before the peacekeepers came (Within the districts)
No one was allowed to be out after dark so they really had no way of talking. The peacekeepers (Not very peaceful at all) kept people within there houses andif they were to go out after dark they were to be shot.
There is only a small part of earth left after the nuclear war so they are all stuck in 14 seperate areas
Its a monarchy and everyone is only allowed in there distract unless sent into the hunger games
The social problems pre world war two, were numerous and severe. They included racisum, manipulation from our goverment, and being on the brink of war.
Everyone was dieing and going through the great deppresion
Little food and almost jobs
No one would talk to each other. People only usally talked to there family or where they were trying to et a job at
Civil rights America was an economic wonderland, the job market was booming, the houses were selling, as was the idea of suburbia. There were over ten million new homeowners. The food industry was doing great, esspicaly hotdogs. Cars were becoming a need and that was createing more jobs in the auto industry, not to mentchion this society became the richest in the world. Things were all around swell.
The goverment was not very good during this point in time in a all around basses, but they did do a few good things. They did give the dream life and rights to some folks, however neglected to do this for all.
Everyone was stuck in a small area (Jews)
The part of the land was half blown up as with the towns and citys
Con political: They were in a war where neither of them was gaining anything besides land just loosing soldiers and citizens.
Some great social aspects of Natzi Germany were programs like, strength through joy, which gave people rewards for working. There were also grate plans in place, that helped people but cars. Not only these things happened, alot of new hospitles, public transportation, and public buildings were built. The people were happy and safe because there was no crime and doing great in world affers.
The economic aspects in Natzi Germany were great, the leader Adoflf Hitler implicated several programs to increse economic growth. He started full employment, every citizen who wanted a job had a job, he also started the beauty of work, this is a program to show the citizens the wonderful benifits that come with working.
Some great political aspects of Nazi Germany were the Strength through Joy program which gave workers rewards for working, not only that but, the society excelled in world affairs too.