Kategorier: Alla - education - honesty - visual - entrepreneurship

av Polychronakos Jaclyn för 4 årar sedan


All About me

The individual describes themselves as having strong intrapersonal and visual intelligences. They are a private person who prefers to work alone and at their own pace, often finding solace in quiet environments such as the guidance room at school.

All About me

All About me

L or R Brain

I'm more left then right
As a class we demonstrated if we were more left brain or right brain by different movements in class. If you move with your right hand its your left brain and vise versa. I was more left brained because my right hand is my dominate and I use it more then my left.


I feel like be honest is the best character trait because when your honesty and express how you feel you might feel better if your having problems with a person in your life, lying will never get you anywhere. Lying will just cause more problems but when your honest you might get a better out come.

Demonstrating honesty is fairly easy, its simple as someone asking you a question or not agreeing with someone's options you can pitch in and be like " that's not that good lets switch it up" its really easy to be honest and to tell people what they need to hear good or bad.

Multiple Intelligences

I'm a very intrapersonal person when it comes to talking or expressing myself, I am a private person and tend to keep to myself as much as I can though I do open up to my very close friends. When doing school work or homework I usually work at my own pase.

There's not really any course at school that relate to Intrapersonal, if anything contract or the guidance room is a good way to get your work done in a quite space .

Intrapersonal is great for entrepreneurship jobs which I really wanna do when I'm older be the boss of my own company or small business so everything goes my way with other not people changing anything.

Visual Intelligence is one of my more stronger suits. I love to draw if I have spare time, in the classroom I learn the best when I'm being visually presentenced or taught to me. I like to be more entertained with pictures then words so movies rather then books.

Many media courses would definitely express visual Intelligence.

I would love to do interior designer as my carrier path and its a great example for media, you get to draw different designs 2D and make your designs 3D.

True Colors

Blue & Orange
I learned how similar I am with these colors reading about the different strengths and weaknesses they all have and how they relate to my personality traits and how I act as a person.


Blue is very emotional sometimes and I can relate to that sometimes I breakdown over the smallest things and close everyone out.


I always try to stay positive everyday, paying less attention to the negative energy I put on myself or other people putting on me. I try to be kind to myself and others as much as needed. I have hourly quote messages to send me notifications reminding me and I post some sometimes on different medias.


Likes to meet new people as do I, I welcome for people to talk to me all the time and receiving new friendships. I'm always open to new ideas from others to pitch in when doing something collaborative and can relate to others on different subjects which is an orange & blue mix.

Role Models

My biggest role model is my mom
My mom has been there since day 1 she's always open to talk to me about anything she works hard for our family and keeps us laughing she's a big role model in my life if anything I wanna be like her when I'm older. My mom has shaped me to become who I am today, teaching me to be kind to everyone how to act properly and be respectful.


Value to me means holding a lot of importance to something you're passionate about or it has a lot of worth to it, money worth or like sentimental worth.

Technology is everywhere in todays society. We use it in school, home and in the outside world. I use it everyday in todays society, it could be as simple as driving a car, looking for food in the fridge, gives entertainment to us, the lights that bright up our city is technology and its everywhere. Technology has shaped all of our lives its made them so much easier in so many ways for example, going on your phone to order food, online shopping so your package just comes to you instead of going to the mall and getting it especially cause of covid-19 now. Phones, the iPhone has basically changed EVERYONES life you can do it all on one little screen everything is built into that technology device. I'm on my phone most of the time half the day either I'm entertaining myself with medias or games or I'm calling my friends to talk.

Technology will definitely make a big impact in which ever path I take for my future career. Mostly every career / job uses technology in some form, it makes the job easier for everyone.


I value education for many reasons in school we learn different subjects to teach us different thinking skills, unsolved problems, be creative, learn languages, learn about our physical health, and how the world works. all leading up to get us ready for collage or university or a different education path.

Education will play a huge role in my future career path. It will figure out what I want to do with my life and have a passion for whatever it is I wanna do for my future.


My parents have shaped me into the person I am drastically since I was born, they raised me to be kind, respectful and honest. My parents have taught me social skills and how to interact with others, doing choirs around the house will get you rewards in the future. I value my parents to even be in my life because I know some people don't have a mom, dad nor guardian.

I would definitely love my parents to know and be involved in what I'm doing for my career, there very supportive and would love to know what I'm doing for my future careers.