Kategorier: Alla - development - senses - learning - knowledge

av Joerg Bauer för 14 årar sedan


b1 ch3 narrative

Human development at birth is characterized by an incomplete nervous system, leading to blurry vision and somewhat better hearing. Nativist theories, such as those proposed by Meltzoff and Spelke, argue that humans are born with a set of skills that aid social interaction and an inherent understanding of basic concepts like physics and numbers.

b1 ch3 narrative

b1 chap 2 narrative - good support for nativist position: many inborn prefs incl detailed rep of human face as well as fast learning - discrimination of individuals - bonding with carers

E. Proprioception and vestibular sense

Butterwoth: moving wall: ch.fall back when wall moves toward them

D. Crosss modal perception

facilitates learning

Slater et al: 2d, sycnc line and sound co-timing of object and sound or sound on

Morrongiello et al: co-location of toy and sound
innate reflex
Wertheimer: clicks turning daughters head with sound to locate source of click
def: combining info from 2 senses
creates intersensory redundany

i.e.a word rerfers to an object

C. Hearing


sucking rate

sucking on a dummy produces BA sound which they habituate to- sucking decreasis until they hear PA

dev: ready to learning and fine tuning


Learning to understand before learning to speak

8m attach meaning to words

7,5m distiguish words

4,5m know their name

Werkers: ch. loose the disriciminatino abilty to become native listerners

Trehub: czech phonems infants intially discriminating chech phonemes

Mothers voice

deCasper: mothers poems learned in Utero

de Casper: Mothers voice vs. strangers voice: increasing sucking rate to hear moms voice (pacifier)

Fernald: auditory pref for Motherese

Sing et al: but maybe because it sounds happy

immature auditory processes
sound range tuned to human voice

structures in the auditory cortex not fully connected


hair cells less sesnitve to low sounds

auditory nerve fully myleinated
inner ear well developed

B. Vision


Measuring gaze time

Habituation/Novelty preferences


Forced choice


Specific natural prefernces
Good early visual organization after periods of familiarization / Learning about an object


Discrimination of colours shapes and faces

later learned organization

Piaget (little scientists): builteding on observable physical laws by acting on the world

6-7m Gravity

5-6m: 2 objecfts touchning are not one

2 month Occlusion

stereopsis develops



size constancy

Slater et al: cube size disrimiation of objects of different sizes

But Campos et al: all crawling beginners crawl

suggesting depth needs experince

Gibson: 6m-12m 3 of 27 craweld over the cliff

Inborn Preference of visual shapes and features

Faces are special

Quinn: Preference for gender of primary carer

Quinn: Gender discrimination

Pascalis: Monkeys. Narrowing of faceregognition from Monkeys to human

Meltzoff: Imittaion in newborns children able to imiatate factial experession which they cannot see

vs Piaget: Imitation not until 2 because babies unable to forma ment. rep of what they cannot see

sugg: mental representaion of faces

Hoss and Langlois: preference for attractive faces

Average faces: Likely because they are more prototypical

Bushnell: mothers face newborns, after 12 hours prefer mothers face to that to other faces

Fantz: 18 newborns: Faces vs. other cirlces

2-3 days: csing Fantz method of forced choice preference (Shapes and other features of visual stimuli)

faces, curves, complexity, colours, symmety, 3D, and moving stiumli

preference for real world vs static

Immature visual abilites
Bad: Sharp vision ( but increasing)

Using Fantz forced choice

prefernce for thinnner lines increasing with age (intially pref only for thick line vs grey squ.)

General scanning behaviour

tracing saccades and fixation: Less detail, more edges

but probably because detail not yet possible

Visual Cortex

structure not fully connected

just short, no long connections

-6 m


Cells processing foveal info not mature


Optic nerves

Lacking myelination

information corrupted


Retina: Low density of cones in fovea

less colours

pastell whashed out colours

2-3 month

Lens: accomodation not mature


A. Introduction

Themes and Issues


social knowledge

set of skills that prepare for soical human interaction

built in tendencey to imitate

buitls in attraction to faces


core knowlege

bulit in understanding of physics, numbers



actions an experience structure initially chaotic world of perception

Developement of nervous system not complete at birth
vision blurry hearing a bit better