av Sara Salazar för 3 årar sedan
Mer av detta
piaget_3. (2004). [Image]. From https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/p/piaget.htm
Getty Images. (2019). GettyImages-1126484970-ee992b9c471340afb7f0634bd03fada9. [Image].
From https://www.thoughtco.com/schema-definition-4691768
pay attention
recall information
active the adecquate schema
how humans perceive the world
the relationships among them
Webquest. (n.d.). [Image].
From https://www.educaciontrespuntocero.com/convocatorias/ganadores-de-los-premios-a-las-mejores-webquest-educativas/
connect and engage students
contextualized language and research tasks
"WebQuest use improves interaction, communication, critical thinking, knowledge application, social skills, scaffolded learning, higher order thinking skills and problem-solving skills" (Aydin, 2016)
iStock. (2017). 862739386. [Image].
From https://www.istockphoto.com/es/vector/dibujos-animados-de-ordenador-moderno-gm862739386-143196107
that provides
Modified interaction between learner and computer
Opportunity for noticing errors
Opportunity for focus
semantics and pragmatic
social aspect of learning
cognitive aspect of learning
Plenty of ideal input/outp
Hennebry, M. (2021). file-20210421-15-pxc36j. [Image].
From https://theconversation.com/es/topics/second-language-acquisition-20240
some conditions
what they produce
speaking and writing
what learners are exposed to
what they receive
reading and listening
known as
Four skills of communicative competence
how learners create a new language system
several factors converge
Social Constructivism
Ideal characteristics
that fosters
Collaborative learning
Situated leraning or cognition
Cognitive apprenticeship
Knowledge is construted with prior information
Student has prior knowledge of L2
His/her L1
This gives a global idea of L2
Universal Grammar
Cultural Capital
the skillis, education, norms and behaviuos
members of a social group
can give economic and other advantages
resources to learn another language
Computer technology
Haneefa, M. (2018). istockphoto-966276422-612x612. [Image]. From https://www.istockphoto.com/es/foto/dispositivos-de-redes-de-computadoras-tecnolog%C3%ADa-de-internet-gm966276422-263651998
this is supported by
Several theories
such as
Social construtivism
An approach
Two theorical frameworks
Knwoledge is created
Social aspect
Unir (n.d.). trabajosocial-01-3-1. [Image].
From https://www.unir.net/ciencias-sociales/revista/historia-trabajo-social/
Social interaction as essential in the construction of knowledge
Cognitive aspect
Bigstock. (n.d.). 11863580. [Image].
From https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/a-guide-to-cognitive-fitness
The experiences are the base of learning
its representative
Lev Vigotsky
Regader, B. (2021). bigstock-Brain-Function-with-gears-and--11863580_293x287. [Image].
From https://psicologiaymente.com/desarrollo/teoria-sociocultural-lev-vygotsky
"Cognitive operations originate in social interactions and emphasized the role of language and culture in cognitive development as frameworks through which humans experience, communicate and understand reality." (Simina & Hammel, 2005)
what I can learn on my own
what I can learn with help
beyond my reach
as an example
Technology tools
Knowledge other
The distance between what a person know
what he/she does not know
the activities provided by the educator to support the student
culture and context
its biggest contributor
A more individual focus
People construct knowledge by their own
people with prior knowledge
William, G. (2013). 1413240879. [Image].
From https://tanyaanddanacomprehension.weebly.com/activating-prior-knowledge-making-connections.html