Accommodations Tankekartor - offentligt galleri

Utforska vår breda offentliga samling av accommodations tankekartor skapade av Mindomo-användare över hela världen. Här kan du hitta alla offentliga diagram relaterade till accommodations. Du kan titta på dessa exempel för att få inspiration. Vissa diagram ger dig också rätt att kopiera och redigera dem. Denna flexibilitet gör att du kan använda dessa tankekartor som mallar, vilket sparar tid och ger dig en stark utgångspunkt för ditt arbete. Du kan bidra till det här galleriet med dina egna diagram när du har gjort dem offentliga, och du kan vara en inspirationskälla för andra användare och bli omnämnd här.

Special Education
Brook Dou

Special Education

av Brook Dou

FAPE  Case 7.1 Thomas
Lorie Blumeyer

FAPE Case 7.1 Thomas

av Lorie Blumeyer

Keri-Lee Traverse


av Keri-Lee Traverse

Lauren Kanooth


av Lauren Kanooth

Williams MArtinez


av Williams MArtinez

Flexible Assessment & Meeting the Needs of all Students
Joanna Tantalo

Flexible Assessment & Meeting the Needs of all Students

av Joanna Tantalo

Chapter 9 - Differentiating Instruction
Ivey Manwaring

Chapter 9 - Differentiating Instruction

av Ivey Manwaring

Mirrione Béatrice


av Mirrione Béatrice

Using STEP Continua to support student learning (ESL/ELD)
Ashley S

Using STEP Continua to support student learning (ESL/ELD)

av Ashley S

Walker Family Vacation
Joe Walker

Walker Family Vacation

av Joe Walker

Industry Research Project
Breanna Brown

Industry Research Project

av Breanna Brown

Assessment of students with special education needs:  A continuous process
Mrinal Vyas

Assessment of students with special education needs: A continuous process

av Mrinal Vyas

Landmark Laws
Jasmine Dowell

Landmark Laws

av Jasmine Dowell

Part 2
Mustafa El-Shahidi

Part 2

av Mustafa El-Shahidi

Annamaria Aloisi


av Annamaria Aloisi

why we should choose banff
Bita Kayyeganeh

why we should choose banff

av Bita Kayyeganeh

Week 12
Sydnee Gorham

Week 12

av Sydnee Gorham

Eitan Ostro


av Eitan Ostro

chapter 5
Abby Fisher

chapter 5

av Abby Fisher

Field Trip - (Beaver Pond Trail)
Shilpa Kataria

Field Trip - (Beaver Pond Trail)

av Shilpa Kataria

DBOS Presentation
Stuart Wiseman

DBOS Presentation

av Stuart Wiseman

Assessment and Evaluation of ELL with LPS (Lesson: Heart Rate & Exercise - Activity 3.2)
Benjamin Juarez

Assessment and Evaluation of ELL with LPS (Lesson: Heart Rate & Exercise - Activity 3.2)

av Benjamin Juarez

Individual Education Plan
Stefan Bertuzzi

Individual Education Plan

av Stefan Bertuzzi

Kristina Omazic [Staff]


av Kristina Omazic [Staff]

Reading Assessment

Reading Assessment

av J T

Lesson 3
Maegan Macfarlane

Lesson 3

av Maegan Macfarlane

Recommended Accommodations: Student D and Class
Sarah Jones

Recommended Accommodations: Student D and Class

av Sarah Jones

Individual Education Plan
Danielle King

Individual Education Plan

av Danielle King

Final Concept Map Sped310
tatelyn graves

Final Concept Map Sped310

av tatelyn graves

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Kaori Handa

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

av Kaori Handa

Vicki Roobroeck


av Vicki Roobroeck

Comunidad de Madrid
manuel deben

Comunidad de Madrid

av manuel deben

Pre-referral Process for SPED
Eleanor Anderson

Pre-referral Process for SPED

av Eleanor Anderson

Jobs in the Tourism Industry
Nikolas Panagiotou [Staff]

Jobs in the Tourism Industry

av Nikolas Panagiotou [Staff]

Special Education
in Ontario
John Moyer

Special Education in Ontario

av John Moyer

 Multidisciplinary teams responsibilities considering whether a sped student learner qualifies for assistive technology in alignment with CSDE , Federal FAPE, IDEA , and OSERS Legislation
Jamie Walsh

Multidisciplinary teams responsibilities considering whether a sped student learner qualifies for assistive technology in alignment with CSDE , Federal FAPE, IDEA , and OSERS Legislation

av Jamie Walsh

Section 504
Addison Gardner

Section 504

av Addison Gardner

Accommodation Vs Modifcation
Taryn Hoelting

Accommodation Vs Modifcation

av Taryn Hoelting

Anxiety and Depression: Accomodations and Strategies
Theresa Tate

Anxiety and Depression: Accomodations and Strategies

av Theresa Tate

Instructional Strategies and Resources to support Special Education and Multilingual Learners
Nikki Rai - Sandalwood Heights SS (2442)

Instructional Strategies and Resources to support Special Education and Multilingual Learners

av Nikki Rai - Sandalwood Heights SS (2442)