Kategorier: Alla - receptor - atp

av Bio logy för 1 år sedan


Cell Structure and Functions

Receptor tyrosine kinases start as inactive monomers with ligand-binding sites. Upon binding with signal molecules, often growth factors, they dimerize. This dimerization activates phosphorylation of tyrosines within the cytoplasm, leading to a fully active receptor recognized by various relay proteins, each initiating distinct cellular responses.

Cell Structure and Functions

The Cell Cycle



Chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes;

Nucleolus disappears but nucleus remains

Mitotic spindle begins to form

microtubules and associated proteins that is involved in the movement of chromosomes during mitosis


final stage of mitosis, in which daughter nuclei are forming and cytokinesis has typically begun.


chromatids of each chromosome have separated and the daughter chromosomes are moving to the poles of the cell.


spindle is complete, chromosomes, attached to microtubules at their kinetochores, are all aligned at the metaphase plate.


nuclear envelope fragments and the spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochores of the chromosomes.



Sex Cells
4 genetically different daughter cells
Binary Fission
2 identical daughter cells

ions diffuses not simply down the gradient but the electrochemical gradient

molecules which have thermal energy

Substance will go from more to less concentrated area

Substance moves across concerntration gradient without the need of energy

Concentration gradient represents energy and drives the fusion in this transport

Facilitated Diffusion

Affect polar molecules and ions impeded bt the lipid bilayer of the membrane and helps diffuse passively with help from transport proteins hence the proteins facilitate the diffusion

Channel proteins

provide the corridor that allows specific molecules or ions to cross the membrane includes the ion channels functioning as gated channels

Carrier proteins

Includes the glucose transporter and change in shape that somehow translocates

Move down their concentration gradient
Osmosis is the diffusion of water

Water diffused acrossed the membrane from the region of higher free water concentration to lower free water concentration

Either artificial or cellular such as plant cells to keep the concentration of plant stable

Energy Transfers

Energy Coupling uses exergonic process to drive an endergonig one

ATP is responsible for this and acts as the immediate source of energy powering cellular work
ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate

ATP is a renewable resource that can be regenerated by the addition of phosphate to ADP. this is done through the ATP cycle whcih occurs at a fast pace

Hydrolyzed ATP can cause a release of energy that heats the water which is used to perform three types of cellular work: chemical, transpoirt, and mechanical

Chemical reactions occur when the cell uses free energy of ATP with endergonic enzymes. the two reactions can be coupled producing a enxergonic reaction

Sugar ribose, with nitrogenour base adenine and chain of three phosphate groups bonded to it

Bonds between phosphate groups can be broken through hydrolysis reactions. taking a phosphate creates ADP, through exergonic reactions

broken phosphate bonds sometimes referred to as high energy phsophate bonds

energy ATP releases on losing phosphate group is greater than energy most other molecules could deliver

Also responsible for nucleoside triphosphates used to make ATP

Free Energy

Exergonic Reaction
proceeds with a net release of free energy. delta G would be negative for a lose of energy. representing the max amount of work that can be done
Endergonic Reaction
Absorbs free energy from its surroundings. stores free energy in the molecules. they are nonspontanous reactions the release of energy is in one direction
Because the cell is always busy, equilibrium is not reached by the cell creating the hydroelectric system
Equilibrium Reactions
Reached by an isolated system where no more work is able to be done. the cell reaches a metabolic equilibrium meaning energy is stagnant and the cell dies
Sunlight provides a main source of free energy for organisms
The portion of a systems energy that can perform work when temperature and pressure are uniform throughout the system as in the living cell
Enables a cell to maintain internal concentration of small solutes that differ from concentration in its environment
ATP Hydrolysis
Sodium Potassium Pump

Cells have voltages or electrical potential energy

Voltage of a membrane is called membrane potential

Inside of cell is negative compared to the outside the membrane potential favors the passive transport of cations into the cell and anions out of the cell

Drives diffusion of ions across a membrane a chemical force and electrical force whcih is called the electrochemical gradient

In cases where electrical forces due to the membrane potential oppose the simple diffusion of an ion down its concentration gradient active transport may be necessary

the major electrogenic pump or transport protein that geenrates voltage across a membrane, of animals

electrogenic pump

Proton gradients in cells

generate ATP synthesis during cellular respiration

the main pump for plants, fungi, and bacteria is the proton pump which transports protons out of the cell

Help store energy that can be used for cellular work by generating voltage across membranes

Pumps solutes across a membrane against its gradient requiring work so the cell expands on energy


Cell Communications

Use of ATP


Pyruvate oxidation

Krebs Cycle

require oxygen

Mitochondrial matrix

per 1 acetyl CoA

Forms 3 NADH

electron carriers used in:

Oxidative Phosphorylation

consists of :

Electron Transport Chain (ETC)

creates a concentration gradient of H+

O2 is final electron receiver


26-28 net ATP per glucose

releases 1 CO2

Forms 1 ATP

Forms 1 FADH2

The pyruvate that was previously formed is oxidized (in the presence of O2).

When the pyruvate is oxidized, it loses electrons which is then transferred to NAD+ to form the NADH we see later

Acetyl CoA is then formed

Enters the citric acid cycle (Kreb's cycle) and results in the creation of more electron carriers, NADH and FADH2

This occurs inside of the mitochondria, as the pyruvate enters

Two major phases of Glycolysis:

Energy Payoff Phase

Now we are using two molecules of G3P, so each product will be doubled

More ATP is made in the last 5 steps than in the first one, therefore being called the energy payoff phase

Step 6 (continuing from step 5): Two sequential reactions- G3P is oxidized by the transfer of electrons to NAD+, which forms NADH. Then using energy from this exergonic reaction, a phosphate group is attached to the oxidized substrate, making a high-energy product.

Step 7: The phosphate group is transferred to ADP in another exergonic reaction. The carbonyl group of G3P has been oxidized to the carboxyl group --COO- of an organic acid of 3-phosphoglycerate.

Step 8: The enzyme resulting from the phosphoglyceromutase relocates the remaining phosphate group

Step 9: Enolase causes a double bond to form in the substrate by extracting a water molecule which yields PEP

Step 10: The phosphate group is transferred from PEP to ADP, which forms pyruvate

Energy Investment Phase

Step 1: involves addition of phosphate from ATP to Glucose to form glucose 6-phosphate using the enzyme Hexokinase

Step 2: converts this to Fructose 6-phosphate

Step 3: *very important* uses the enzyme PFK to convert Fructose 6-phosphate to Fructose 1,6-biphosphate

Step 4: Aldolase cleaves this sugar molecule into two different three-carbon sugars

Step 5: The 6 carbon sugar splits into two molecules of 3 carbon each form DHAP and G3P. Eventually DHAP converts into G3P, so we have two molecules of G3P formed from one molecule of glucose

In order for glycolysis ("sugar splitting") to begin, electrons must be extracted from food (glucose) and added to NAD+, an electron carrier.

Pyruvate is then formed from the glucose

Specifically breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate

This occurs in the cytoplasm outside of the mitochondria

Signal Transduction
The process by which a cell responds to substances outside the cell through signaling molecules found on the surface of and inside the cell.


This is the process where a signal molecule is received by a receptor protein. Receptors can be intracellular or membrane receptors. Tyrosine Kinase receptors and G-Protein Coupled receptors are examples of membrane receptors because when they receive a signal on the outside of the cell, they respond with a process that occurs inside the cell.

After the signal molecule activates the receptor, the receptor begins a series of steps that lead to transduction.

When the receptor is done transferring the signal to the next series of steps, it needs a way to stop sending the signal. This is done by deactivating the protein by removing the molecule that's powering it. Like turning GTP to GDP or ATP to ADP.


The amplification effect

In most cases of signal transduction, there are multiple different signals being communicated at the same time. This happens when one activation produces the means for multiple other activations.

Transduction begins when the signal molecule changes the receptor in some way, activating it. Transduction is usually a series of processes that relay the initial signal to many molecules in a pathway.

This process is usually in the form of a phosphorylation cascade. A phosphorylation cascade is a sequence of signaling events where one enzyme phosphorylates another in a long chain. Each time an enzyme is phosphorylated, it uses ATP to transfer its signal.

When the protein is activated by ATP, it passes its signal to the next protein kinase in the chain. This process of taking the signal and transferring it to the next protein in the chain with ATP continues over and over until it reaches its final destination

After the signal is transferred, it is important for the signal to stop being transferred. This happens through the removal of the phosphate from the attached protein. This is called dephosphorylation, and it essentially deactivates the protein, turning it off.

The protein kinase takes a phosphate group from ATP, activating it. The ATP turns into ADP. In a long chain, there is a need for an abundance of ATP to give energy to each signal transfer.


At the end of the transduction pathway, when the signal finally reaches its destination, the signal triggers a cellular response.

Different signals and different pathways trigger many different responses. These responses can do things like regulate gene expression, regulate the activity of other proteins in the cell, or other cell activities.

G-Protein Coupled Reactor

G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are integral membrane proteins that are used by cells to convert extracellular signals into intracellular responses
A receptor must be activated to change its shape. When a signaling molecule binds to an external side of the receptor, it will change shape.

The cytoplasmic side binds to activate a G protein. Then the activated G protein has a GTP carried over

The activated G protein leaves the receptor to diffuse along the membrane to attached to an enzyme that causes the enzyme to change its shape and activity. This leads to the next step in the process of causing cellular respiration

When a signal molecule binds, it can be undone. The changes that are made by the attachment or activation of GPCR, G proteins, and enzymes are not permanent and can be reused

cAMP is a secondary messenger for the G protein
Step 1 : GCPR is activated by a messenger bind

Step 2 : The GCPR is activated to the G protein and get attached by the GTP, which makes an activated G protein

Step 3 : After the G protein and GTP bind are activated, they bind to an adenylyl cyclase. The GTP is then hydrolyzed which causes the adenylyl cyclase to be activated.

Step 4 : Activated adenylyl cyclase changed ATP to cAMP

Step 5 : A second messenger cAMP activates another protein that starts cellular responses

Tyrosine Kinase Receptor

Step 1 : Receptor tyrosine kinase starts out as inactive monomers, each having a ligand binding site
Step 2 : Monomers combine to make dimers when signal molecules bond with receptor sites. These signal molecules are often growth factors

Step 3 : Dimerization activates phosphorylation of the tyrosines dangling in the cytoplasm

Step 4 : Fully phosphorylated, the active receptor is now recognized by multiple relay proteins. Each can trigger a separate cellular response


Passive Transport

move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.
Facilitated diffusion










diffusion of water from lower solute concentration to high solute concentration

Active Transport

sodium potassium pump
aids in transport of ions across membranes against concentration gradient
Phospholipid bilayer
membrane fluidity

viability in harsh conditions







Sex Hormones



Trans Fats


Hydrogen Bonds

Phosphodiester Bonds

Cell Structure and Functions

Biological Molecules


Energy Storage















Nucleic Acids

Nitrogenous Bases









Pentose Sugar






Amino Acids







Base Pairs





Phosphate Group

Hydrophobic(nonpolar) tail

Hydrophilic (polar) head


Fatty Acids




central vacuoles
Food vacuoles

cells engulf food and other particles

contractile vacuoles

pump excess water out of cells

freshwater protists


Cilia and Flagella

centrosomes and centrioles

chromosome movements in cell division, organelle movements

Intermediate filaments

anchor age of nucleus, formation of nuclear lamina

Helps support the cell and maintain the shape
microfilaments(actin filaments)

muscle contraction, cytoplasmic streaming(plant), changes in cell shape

ER Accounts for more than half of total membrane
Smooth ER : Lacks ribosomes attached to it

synthesize lipids, metabolize carbs, detoxifies drugs, poisons, and stores calcium ions

rough ER: Surface is studded with ribosomes

secrete glycoproteins, membrane factory of the cell

Golgi Apparatus
Processes proteins form the ER and sort them for transport to their final destination

Store genetic data and control cell activity

animal cells
Cell junctions

tight junctions: prevents the movement of fluid or substances across the cell

Desmosome: allows some substances to move across the cell

Gap junctions: everything can move across the cell



make proteins

Outside endoplasmic reticulum (bound ribosomes)

inside the cytosol (free ribosomes)


produce oxidative phosphorylation


cell membrane

Proteins and Lipids

control what goes in and out of the cell and cellular messaging

plant cells
Cell wall

secondary cell wall: between plasma and membrane and the primary cell wall

Primary cell wall: thin and flexible

Middle lamella: thin, between primary walls of adjacent cells

To support the shape of a cell

enzymes that promote hydrolysis of biological molecules

break covalent bonds





Cell Wall
single celled organisms
Oxygen in metabolism
obligate anaerobic

uses fermentation

facultive anaerobics

carry out aerobic

carry out anaerobic respiration

obligate aerobes

cell respiration

chromosomal DNA
nutritional modes

chemoheterotroph(organic compunds)



chemoautotrophs(inorganic materials)




methane waste product

swamps and marshes

Extreme Thermophiles

very hot environments

Extreme Halophiles

saline environments