Kategorier: Alla - absorption - ventilation - pressure

av Seth Hanks för 5 årar sedan


Chapter 6 Review

The process of gas exchange in human physiology relies on maintaining concentration gradients of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and blood. Pneumocytes, particularly Type I, facilitate this exchange due to their thin structure and proximity to blood capillaries, while Type II cells produce a surfactant to prevent lung collapse.

Chapter 6 Review

Human Physiology

Gas Exchange

Antagonistic Muscles
Muscles only do work when they contract, shortening. By relaxing, the muscles become longer. If movement in two directions is required, two different muscles must work against each other.
Airways and Pressure
Pressure Changes

Muscle contractions cause the pressure changes inside the thorax that force air in and out of the lungs to ventilate them.


Air is carried to the lungs in the trachea and bronchi and then to the alveoli in bronchioles.

Type II

Creates the moist surface inside alveoli to keep the sides from sticking to each other. They create a mono- layer with hydrophilic heads facing water and hydrophobic tails facing air. This reduces surface tension and prevents lung collapse.

Type I

Thin alveolar cells adapted to carry out gas exchange. Lunges have large surface area alveoli covered in mostly Type I pneumocytes. The distance from these to the blood capillaries is very low, so the gas exchange has little distance to diffuse across.

Maintains concentration gradients of oxygen and carbon dioxide between air in alveoli and blood flowing in adjacent chambers. Gases exchange because of a concentration gradient.

Nervous System

Synapses are junctions between neurons and receptor cells. Neurotransmitters send signals across synapses. When pre- synaptic neurons are depolarized, they emit neurotransmitters into the synapse. This causes Ca+ ions to diffuse through the membrane into the neuron. This influx of positive ions releases neurotransmitters via exocytosis, which then bind onto receptors on the post-synaptic neuron. When this happens, the sodium ion channels open and diffuse against their concentration gradient. This triggers the action potential and sends the signal down the neuron.
Transmit electrical impulses from dendrites to terminal buttons. There is a resting potential caused by the pumping sodium and potassium across their membranes. This creates an area of positive ions on the outside and an area of less positive ions on the inside. The resting potential lets the neuron re-polarize or depolarize, sending the signal down the neuron. Any electrical signal of above -70 mV sends it along the neuron.

Hormones, Homeostasis, Reproduction

Menstrual Cycle
Chemical Effects


Luteal phase


The wall of the follicle that released the egg becomes a body called the corpus luteum. If fertilization does not happen, it breaks down. The lining of the uterus is also broken down and shed.

Follicular phase


An egg is stimulated to grow in each follicle at the same time the lining of the uterus is repaired and begins to thicken. The follicle most developed releases the egg into the oviduct.

Controlled by negative and positive feedback mechanisms.
Sex Determination

Estrogen and progesterone cause prenatal development of female reproductive organs and female secondary sexual characteristics during puberty.


Testosterone causes prenatal development of male genitalia and both sperm production and development of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty.

A gene on the Y chromosome develops testes and testosterone.

Melatonin: controls circadian rhythms.
Leptin: inhibits appetite.
Thyroxin: regulates metabolic rate and body temperature.
Blood Glucose Control
Alpha and beta cells in the pancreas respond to changes in blood glucose levels. When this happens, insulin and glucagon are released. Insulin turns glucose into glucagon, lowering the level of glucose in the blood stream. This is stored in the liver, and is released when levels get too low. It is then turned back into glucose, bringing the body back into homeostasis.

Immune System

Immune Response


1. Invader enter body (pathogen) 2. Detected and trigger immune response (antigen) 3. Pathogens are ingested by macrophages. 4. Antigens are displayed on cell membranes. 5. Helper T-cells specific to antigen are activated by macrophages. 6. B-cell specific to the antigen is activated by proteins from helper T-cells. 7. B-cells divide repeatedly to produce antibody secreting cells and memory cells 8. Antibodies attach to antigen and aid in its destruction. 9. Memory T-cells remain to detect antigen in the future.


In the event of a pathogen entering the body, phagocytes form the next level of defense. The pathogens then absorb and break down the infections, destroying them.

Blood Clotting
1. Skin gets cut, blood vessels are severed and begin to bleed. 2. Clotting begins if platelets release clotting factors. If this does happen, thrombin starts converting fibrinogen into fibrin. 3. The fibrin forms a mesh net that traps platelets and blood vessels, creating a gel initially, that hardens into a scab.
Primary Defense
Skin and mucus act as the first line of defense against infectious disease.

Blood System

The Cardiac Cycle
An electrical impulse travels from the S.A. node to the A.V. node. The atria depolarizes, causing them to contract. The signal then travels down Bundle of His and separates into the left and right bundles. The L. posterior and anterior go to the front and back, respectively. The signal uses Perkinje fibers to depolarize the ventricles, while the atria simultaneously re-polarizes.
Heart Structure
Blood Vessels

Permeable walls allow the blood to exchange materials between the cells in the tissue and the blood in the capillaries. The walls are made up of one layer of thin endothelium cells with pores to be permeable.


Collect blood from tissues at a low pressure and bring it back to the atria. They are thin walled because the blood is at a much lower pressure and use gravity and skeletal muscles to create blood flow. Valves prevent any backflow from occurring.


Convey blood from the heart to the tissues of the body. They are thick, strong and are able to withstand high pressures.

Digestion and Absorption

Different methods of absorption:

Passive Transport

Facilitated Transport

Active Transport

Simple Diffusion

Villi and Micro Villi
The villi and microvilli exist to provide more surface area for digestion. This allows more absorption to take place, as well as creating more places for molecules to be broken down by enzymes.
Digestion in the Small Intestine
The walls of the small intestine have many enzymes that further break down the food. Because the molecules must be broken down to a tiny size before being absorbed into the villi, digestion in the small intestine takes hours.
Enzymes digest the majority of macromolecules. For example, protein chains are broken down into smaller chains by protease.
The pancreas releases enzymes into the lumen of the small intestines.
The contractions of the small intestines prevent food from going back to the mouth and are continuous in one direction.