Consequences of the
British Conquest
impacts on community
Some people saw it as a bad thing
Indigenous peoples would also be destined
to large amount of racisim and other things
Indian Act
Years of unfair land claims
Sixties scoop
Residential schools
Years of torture and
disrepect towards indigenous
Canadians knew they would not gain
control of their land.
Candians had to deal with the loss of their cultural
some saw it as new life to canada
More mental activity as well as education
Some people saw more calmness in the country
Candians gaining power
stronger pure, churches
Left an economical mark
Left many people without jobs
American Revolution
In 1775 the american revolution took place
the british were not getting along with the other
Reconization of independence from the british
and the united states
The peace of Paris was signed
Quebec Act
the french were glad to escape the rule of britain
some saw it as a bad thing
"American settlers were enraged with the Quebec Act which modified the Canadian border in favour of Canadians, francophones and Roman Catholics, and did so at the expense of the Thirteen Colonies"
seen as intorable acts
Around 100 000 settlers from Britain
Canadians became outnumbered by the immigrants
Most settled in Nova Scotia
Anglo-speaking settlers take over.
English and French become Canada's
official languages.
7 Years' War
Treaty Of Paris
Involved Britain, Hanover, France, Spain and Portugal.
British win nearly all Frances parts of Canada.
First Global War
Happened because of Prussian invasion of
Saxony, and the Unhappy praticipants of
the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.
Treaty of Hubertsburg
Is the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, renforced.
Involved Austria, Prussia, and Saxony.