Kategorier: Alla - trust - alliance - dictatorship - labour

av Sergio Briceño för 8 årar sedan


Consolidation of Nazi Ideologies 2

The German Labour Front, headed by Robert Lay, replaced trade unions to gain the complete trust of the working class, aiming to improve their conditions, leisure, rights, and job creation schemes to reduce unemployment.

Consolidation of Nazi Ideologies 2

Hindenburg approval made Hitler very powerful transferring the constitutional powers to him

Fundamental institutions

Civil service
Military and Police forces
Labour Movement


Long Knives night

Purge made by the "Brown shirts
Rivalry between its leader Ernst Röhm and leadng nazi´s such as Himler
Stop the diffussion of a second revolution to redistribute wealth

German Labour Front

Hitler needed to gain 100 % of trust of the labour class
Headed by Robert Lay , Trade union were replaced with this program that would focus entirely on the working class

With the objective of ensure that they were in better conditions than ever

improvement in leisure, and rights, job creation schemes, which were created to decrease the 26,3 % of unemployement.

Trade unions and political parties

May 2nd 1933
Other political parties were abolished, dissolved  or unified


Seek guarantees of job security


Voluntary disolved with the signature of the concordat with the vatican

July 20 1933


Persecuted, Trialed, Arrested , Tortured and/or Executed

External Trades and exportations were forbidden, due to protectionism

This policy states that this action would help Germany re-structuring by protect them from foreign competitors

Leaders of syndicates and Union Trades were trialed and arrested

This removal of Union Trade leaders was a prevention for revolutionary or insurrection acts

Government occupied Trade Unions offices, Headquarters, and centrals

Capital and possesions were confiscated and taken

Enabling act

March 1933
End of Democracy from the Weimar republic to allow a "dictatorship" for Hitler

By extending his time as Chancellor for four years by decree

To approve this decree, Hitler must obtain 2/3 of votes in favour, the DNVP gave him 52% due to their coalition, 12% of KPD was eliminated, intimidating a big quantity of diputies from SPD from assisting to the Kroll Opera House meeting at Berlin, and offering the BVP guarantees that the rights of the catholic church will be protected

An Alliance with the Italian regime , assure a "clear and strong link" with the vatican

Fear, intimidation and repression

Topic principal

March 1933 elections

With the objective of pick members that will represent the different ideologies from the parties
With a tense atmosphere of repression, intimidation and aggresive propaganda

Even though the NSDAP didn´t obtained the majority of votes, the right-wing  coalition(German National People´s Party and the NSDAP) did achieve it

Election results of the main parties:

NSDAP(43,9%), SPD(18,25%), KPD(12,33%), DNVP(8%)

BrownShirts persecuted members of KPD and SPD organizations, all with the premise of a safest and better Germany

KPD and SDP members weren´t allowed to participate on decisions at the parlament

9th Weimar Parlamentary elctions
Celebrated in March 5th 1933

Hitler as Chancellor

He rise into chancellor position due to the coallition made with Franz von papen,  the German National People´s Party(DNVP) endorsed by recognized and important German Buissnessman, which negotiated with the president Hindenburg to name Hitler as Chancellor and Franz as Vice-Chancellor to contain Hitler temperament
Many of Hitler politics as Chancellor involve German citizens, especially the work class( which compose the NSDAP)

This stage of Hitler and Nazi consolidation was very important because:

President Hindemburg gave him a lot of capacities and power. He strengthen the German State in terms of armamentisitc capacities and power, creating a special unit or block called "Gestapo", by expanding the state police by extending its members

Reduce political parties, oppositors, and different ideologies which made hitlers path more easy and clear, also increased members and support of the NSDAP in the March 33 elections.

Gave Hitler and its party a big increment of popularity and support by the German population, especially in the worker class

Main presumptions
Strength the nazi party(NSDAP) in terms of members, popularity and support.

This of course by reducing, descrediting, and eliminating the rest of political parties, more precisely the KPD and SPD, which contain a considerable amount of members,  with the objective of transforming Germany as an Authoritarian Single-Party State.

Unify as much as posible Germany and its government
Increase support and popularity of Hitler in the Reichstag
Named Chancellor on January 30th 1933
By Franz Von Papen

Gave Hitler the chancellor position and with it the possibility to make the necessary changes adjustments, decisions or determinations  of the state through the parlamentary system, given that it is a very important position.

Reelection of Hindemburg as president was determinant for Hitler because he gave him trust and confidence, also he was the only political figure who can oppose him and his decisions

Economic struggles and the effects of the Great Depression and the 29 crack influenced in the perception of Hitler among germans, his ideas and charismatic personality was fundamental for Franz Von Papen and President Von Hindenburg to consider the possibility of naming him as chancellor

The Reichstag Fire

February 27th 1933
Nazi deliberate act of arson into the German parlament

Before, in february, Adolf Hitler impulses a decree that authorizes the armed forces to obstruct electoral campaigns in the run for the parlament, especially KPD and SPD, ehich aggravate with the conflagration

NSDAP portray the attack as a communist attempt to overthrow through out insurrent acts that could lead to a an uprising, revolution or even into a Coup D´Etat.

KPD and SPD were shown by the national socialism as defenders of marxism and communism

This act was commited withe the objective of:

Convince president Von Hindenburg of aprooving and launching a decree or resolution which gives aid to nazi consolidation

Aimed to suspend basic rights and give total access to the police and armed forces to act with no occlusion, also allowed the regime to arrest and incarcerate political opponents without specific charge, dissolve political organizations, and to suppress publications.

Among them:

Restraints in police investigations

impose fear inside government institutions and citizens in general

the impact of propaganda and terror on existing fears of a Communist takeover convinced many Germans that Hitler’s decisive action had saved the nation from “Bolshevism.”

Frightened votants and lead them to support what they have make the nazi party look as the best option

privacy and protection

freedom of press

freedom of speech

Desprestige Communism, their ideologies and his supposed connections with these 2 parties within the state

several opposers were arrested, trialed, exiled or executed,

Marinus Van der Lubbe was accused for being the crimial mind behind the attack

Individuals who were trialed, didn´t have a clear charge or accusation

propaganda maneuver aided by the ministery of propaganda

Falsely expose KPD and SPD members as responsable for this attack, due to their also fake connections with marxisim and communism.