av Maria Oliva Barbaccia för 8 årar sedan
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1) Deep = profonda; deep down = in fondo; the red fishes are deep down of the lache.
2) Waste = sprecare ; Don’t waste time on useless things
3) Whole = tutto; The school is close whole ofAugust
4) Purpose = scopo/fine; what is the purpose of your project
5) Assessment = valutazione; using of the votes forthe assessment of pupils isn’t gratifying
6) Enhance = migliorare; we can enhancethe learning of the English language with using of technology
7) Avaiable = disponibile; A lot of educational resourcesavailable online are free.
8) To destroy = distruggere; a building was destroyed in thefire.
9) Boryng = noioso; My job isn’t boringbut it’s very interesting.
10) Developing = sviluppo; Clean Energy Development is required for the Earth
11) Bring = portare; Do not bring out my dog!
12) Beyond = al di là; the toy store is beyond thesquare.
13) Behavior = comportamento; his behavior isincorect but hers is right.
14) Speech = discorso; The president's speech was long and complex.
15) Entire = intera; The artist painted the entire wall
16) Breath = respiro; Your breath is panting afterrunning on the beach.
17) Avoid = evitare; if you look at the map avoid taking the wrong road
18) Rather = piuttosto; This room looks rather untidy
19) Raise = sollevare; study and culture raise man’s mind
20) To allow = permettere/consentire; It isn’tallowed using the phone in the classroom.
I don’t think thatthe tasks were particularly difficult but it was rather difficult to work in agroup because each of us has their own way working, studying, organizing theirtime in relation also to the family and work commitments. Despite everything wehave engaged so that everything could go in the right direction and we finallygot to the end.
The task that I enjoyed the most is the task 8 because I tryed different platforms and sw free for studying English language and for the evaluation of level reached.