Kategorier: Alla - exports - loans - risk - recession

av Paul Oehme för 12 årar sedan


Credit Crisis - Basic concepts & global influence (sec.)

The global credit crisis has far-reaching impacts, particularly on economies like Germany's, which faces its worst recession since World War II. This downturn affects the single market by reducing consumer spending, thereby diminishing the demand for exports that many economies rely on.

Credit Crisis - Basic concepts & global influence (sec.)

Credit Crisis - Basic concepts & global influence

psychology of risk

general: people react to incentives
people in general are risk-averse

favor lower secure win over higher but less possible win

avoid risks if possible

people assess risk lower if

has no connection to them

it is (hghly) abstract

people assess risk higher if

or if it evokes strong emotions

or if there's a good background story to it

or have a personal link to the risk

they have a vivid impressions of the risk

top expert: Kahneman
Nobel prize in 2002
behavioral psychologist
nice overview

Crisis of the US housing market

CDO is sliced up in good, okay and risky mortages which are seperatly sold to investers, other bankers and "risky bankers"
the investment banker puts them in one box called CDO
risky sub-prime mortgages are bought in high quantatiy by investment bankers
("high risk" and "low risk" mortgages are sold as one big mortgages)
Give loans without checking peoples financial situation


trusting eachother AND passing risk along
--> exp: mortages = bombs Passing "bombs" to the next --> not caring about the consequences
Nothing would happen, because it didnt happen before

exp: no vivid memories (Kahneman)

bad risk management



pay money + interest back
sell pruduct w/ higher price
buy product
borrow money
widely used
low credit on loans
high profit deal


single market recession
less money to buy products
econemy relies on exports
no one to import pruducts

exporting less

could suffer worst recession since WWII