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-manuscripts -documents -historical artifacts -scientific collections -recordings -films -Photographs -works of art and handicrafts
tourism based on the natural attractions of a country. Tourists are interested in a diversity of natural and cultural resources, they want to be immersed in a rich natural, cultural or historical environment.
- -bird watching, -photography, -stargazing -camping -hiking -hunting -fishing -park visits -bird watching, -photography,
a pleasure trip with the main purpose of visiting historical, cultural, natural, recreational and scenic attractions to learn more about the past in an enjoyable way.
in those open spaces with symbolic, historical and urban-architectural value, which serve as a meeting and recreational place for the population.
related to the culture of a country or region, specifically in the geographic areas, the history of those peoples, their art, architecture and religion, attracted by the motivation and desire to experience cultural diversity or to immerse themselves in the culture of a region.
Los Katios National Park, the Walled City of Cartagena, the Archaeological Park of San Agustin, the Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape, the Serrania de Chiribiquete National Natural Park.
conjunto de bienes y riquezas naturales, o ambientales, que la sociedad ha heredado de sus antecesores, y a los que se les concede un valor excepcional.
is made up of natural monuments built by physical and biological formations gradually created over time by nature.
-natural monuments -nature reserves -national parks -biosphere reserves
of two types