Kategorier: Alla - asociación - estado - sindicato - derecho

av Javier González för 4 årar sedan



La asociación profesional puede manifestarse en sindicatos y de otras maneras con trascendencia social. Aunque la asociación profesional y el sindicato no son términos análogos, este último tiene un significado particular como una asociación profesional de clase.



Let's begin to compare and contrast two subjects.

If you need explanations on what is a Compare & contrast essay check out this short video


Type in the second subject to compare and contrast

Make sure you will present the points of comparison and contrast in the same order.

Example: fast food

Third main point

Keep up the order set for the first subject.

Example: price

Es un derecho frente al Estado.

Similarity or characteristic

Type in any other similarity or characteristic of the subject.

Example: costs rise due to frequent trips at the restaurants.

Second main point

Keep the same order you set when you presented the first subject.

Example: accessibility

Es un derecho general.

Similarity or characteristic

Regarding this point, type in any other similarity or characteristic of the subject.

Example: you don't need to cook

First main point

Keep the same order you set when you presented the first subject.

Example: health

Es un derecho para todos los hombres, constituye una garantía individual.

Similarity or characteristic

Regarding this point, type in any other similarity or characteristic of the subject.

Example: contains preservatives and additives

Se fundamenta en el articulo 9° constitucional y menciona que ''La Constitución autoriza las reuniones pacíficas con cualquier objeto lícito y condiciona su licitud, cuando tiene por objeto hacer una petición o presentar una protesta por algún acto de autoridad, a que no se profieran injurias contra ésta ni se haga uso de violencias o amenazas para intimídarla u obligarla a resolver en el sentido que se desee.''

Importance of similarities and differences

Emphasize the importance of the similarities and differences between the two subjects to support your thesis.


Type in the first subject to compare and contrast

You will start analyzing this first subject, covering the features that you want to present completely, then you will pass on to the second subject.

Example: home-cooked food

Implica una obligación de tolerar, a cargo de la otra clase, que no puede derivarse del simple derecho de asociación.

Third main point

What is the third point to consider when comparing and contrasting the two subjects?

Example: expense - compare/ contrast the costs of the two subjects.

Es el derecho de una clase social frente a otra, aún cuando también es un derecho frente al Estado.

Similarity or characteristic

Regarding this point, type in any other similarity or characteristic of the subject.

Example: lower prices for ingredients if we shop smart

Second main point

What is the second point to consider when comparing and contrasting the two subjects? Type it in.

Example: accessibility - compare/ contrast how convenient the two types of food are.

Es un derecho especial.

Similarity or characteristic

Regarding this point, type in any other similarity or characteristic of the subject.

Example: pleasant family activity while preparing and eating the meals.

First main point

you will take into account when contrasting and comparing the two subjects. Type it in.

Example: health - compare/ contrast how healthy the two types of food are.

Es un derecho de clase.

Similarity or characteristic

Regarding this point, type in any other similarity or characteristic of the subject.

Example: organic, grass-fed ingredients


Asociación profesional y sindicato no son términos análogos, aun cuando se utilicen como tales.
El sindicato tendrá un significado particular como asociación profesional de clase

In what ways are the two subjects different?

Type in the main differences between the two.

Example: home-cooked food is always healthier than fast food.

Puede manifestarse la asociación profesional en el sindicato, pero puede expresarse también de otras maneras que también tienen trascendencia social

What do the two subjects have in common?

Type in the main similarities. Example: let's say you choose 'fast food' and 'home-cooked food', both of them are appealing.