Kategorier: Alla - diagnostics - edema - failure - respiratory

av sheilah chelimo koech för 1 månader sedan


Diagnosis on Respiratory Failure with Hypercapnia:

An 88-year-old patient with a history of congestive heart failure, hyperlipidemia, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and high fall risk presented with acute respiratory failure characterized by hypoxia.

Diagnosis on Respiratory Failure with Hypercapnia:

LW 88 YEARS OF age, code DNI/DNR ADM 2/19/25 ALLergies : hydroxyzine, meperidine. tubes Intravenous infusing Diltiazem. history : Congestive heartfailure, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrilation paroxysmall, high fall risk, daily weights standing scale 71.5kg. Cheif complain Acute Respiratory Failure with hypoxia. pt on room air continous monitoring oxygen. pt was on a cardiac monitor with a regular diet.. anticipated diagonastic test Ecocardiogram. vital signs were as follows. 8:15 T 36.9,HR 102, RR 21, O2 93, 0 PAIN. AT 9:40 T 36.2, HR 87, RR 21, BP/MAP 101/68 O2 94 , 0 PAIN PATIENT IS alert and oriented times 3 pupil round 0 brisk. regular s1 and s2 symptoms :Edema. Respiratory breathing regular, unlaboured , expiratoey wheezes. skin is appropriate for ethnicity dry warm and fragile. muskuloskeletal WDL, FULL MOVEMENT. CLEAR SPEECH. GI WDL, SOFT ,ACTIVE, GU No incontinence, Colour: unable to access. Labs hgb 14.1 ,platelets 238, wbc 5.9 leuckocytes, Na 133, K 3.8, Creat 0.80 . pATIENT CAME TO THE ED ON 19TH WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH before she was stabilized.SHE WAS put on 2l of oxygen in ED .REPLACED MAG 2.0. SHE HAS HISTORY OF A FIB WRITE A CONCEPT MAP FOR THIS PATIENT. OTHER MEDICATIONS FOR THIS PATIENT IS AMIODORONRE, APIXABAN, BENZONATATE, FUROSEMIDE, PREDNISONE, DILTIAZEM, EMPAGLIFLOZIN USE ALL THE INFORMATION PROVIDED

Prognosis and Complications

Long-term management and follow-up care
Complications of hypercapnia
Prognosis of respiratory failure

Treatment Options

Addressing the underlying cause of respiratory failure
Mechanical ventilation
Bronchodilators and corticosteroids
Supplemental oxygen therapy
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)

Hypercapnia in Respiratory Failure

Signs and symptoms of hypercapnia
Mechanisms of CO2 retention
Definition and causes of hypercapnia

Diagnosis of Respiratory Failure

CT scan or MRI
Chest X-ray
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis
Clinical evaluation

Main topic


Symptoms and Signs of Respiratory Failure

Decreased oxygen saturation
Confusion or altered mental status
Rapid breathing (tachypnea)
Shortness of breath


Explanation of hypercapnia
Definition of respiratory failure